I was surprised how good the quality was for this. It was super easy to assemble. it seems like it doesnt squeak, which is great. you could also put a small box spring on too if desired.
I have such a small bedroom; so this bed helped so much to maximize my space and I was able to store so much underneath it. The bed does not make any noise at all at first, a couple of weeks in, it only makes a little noise but barely anything noticeable. Its super sturdy and so easy to build as I did it on my own. I would def recommend this bed to someone!
Ive purchased a twin size from this company that I couldnt be happier with. Bought a to replace a squeaky folding one. I was so impressed with the high quality, super simple assembly (Im a grandma) and sturdy design. I love the height for storage. This is an excellent product.
Great basic bed frame! Tall to optimize storage underneath the bed frame, but not too tall to get in to. It is sturdy and easy to put together. I like that the mattress sits a little bit down from the edge so the mattress stays in place and doesnt slip around. Great purchase!
I couldnt have asked for anything better. Its super easy and quick to put together. I assembled it by myself within 10 minutes. And I can fit storage bins underneath which is awesome. Its a great height and super sturdy. Plus, if I move in the future, its going to be super easy to deconstruct and then assemble again.
super easy to assemble and great quality
I was surprised how good the quality was for this. It was super easy to assemble. it seems like it doesnt squeak, which is great. you could also put a small box spring on too if desired.
Sturdy, silent and spacious.
I have such a small bedroom; so this bed helped so much to maximize my space and I was able to store so much underneath it. The bed does not make any noise at all at first, a couple of weeks in, it only makes a little noise but barely anything noticeable. Its super sturdy and so easy to build as I did it on my own. I would def recommend this bed to someone!
So impressed / I bought another one!
Ive purchased a twin size from this company that I couldnt be happier with. Bought a to replace a squeaky folding one. I was so impressed with the high quality, super simple assembly (Im a grandma) and sturdy design. I love the height for storage. This is an excellent product.
Quick solution and comfortable bed
Great support for mattress n no box spring plus light to move
Great product
Sturdy and easy to assemble by myself.
Exactly what we needed for a small room.
Works perfectly. Solid single frame.
Great basic bed frame!!
Great basic bed frame! Tall to optimize storage underneath the bed frame, but not too tall to get in to. It is sturdy and easy to put together. I like that the mattress sits a little bit down from the edge so the mattress stays in place and doesnt slip around. Great purchase!
Cant go wrong
Its all it claims to be. Plus it is slotted/has holes for a headboard
Sturdy product
Easy to assemble, sturdy and great height for storage underneath
I couldnt have asked for anything better. Its super easy and quick to put together. I assembled it by myself within 10 minutes. And I can fit storage bins underneath which is awesome. Its a great height and super sturdy. Plus, if I move in the future, its going to be super easy to deconstruct and then assemble again.
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