Easy to assemble and really comfortable. Fits perfectly in my small apartment! Very easy to assemble, my son and I love it! Fits perfect in our little room!
Love these chairs - Ive bought them twice now and every time someone sits in one they tell me how comfortable they are.
I use them in my master and guest rooms so there is a seat in those rooms and add them to my dining room when I have a larger crowd for dinner. They are sturdy but very pretty!
I got this chair to replace the stool that my vanity, now work desk, came with. I wanted something with a back that was a bit more comfy than the stool but that would also look nice in our bedroom where my office is. The chair is decent quality, nothing amazing. The pads are very thin and definitely not comfortable for long periods of sitting. I stand and pace a lot while I am on calls for work so I dont normally sit for very long. The legs are metal with a painted on look. The on the back is just a veneer and mine is not perfect. The small back cushion is not flush against the but not super noticeable. I have a cushion on it that I use for additional back/lumbar support. It was easy to put together and it is better than the stool I had previously. Probably better for an accent chair or a dining chair that you wont be in for too long. The fabric is not the softest and the weave is not tight. Not sure it would hold up to a lot of wear and tear or cleaning if you were trying to clean up a dinner spill. I have three kids and I definitely would not recommended this for someone with kids unless like me, you are the only one using it. Overall looks pretty good and has a good mid-century mod style. It is sturdy enough and serves its purpose but probably would not hold up well to a lot of regular use.
These look even better in person than I expected. They are comfortable to sit in no matter your size and they look amazing at our table and tuck in nicely to save space.
Nice chair, but every screw hole was filled with I literally had to hammer out each hole and hollow it with the Allen key to get a screw to go in it. Looks nice when done but cheaply made.
So cute!!
Easy to assemble and really comfortable. Fits perfectly in my small apartment! Very easy to assemble, my son and I love it! Fits perfect in our little room!
Beautiful and comfortable!
Love these chairs - Ive bought them twice now and every time someone sits in one they tell me how comfortable they are. I use them in my master and guest rooms so there is a seat in those rooms and add them to my dining room when I have a larger crowd for dinner. They are sturdy but very pretty!
Easy, sturdy, handsome chairs
Chairs are easy to assemble, comfortable, and look great. Two in a box so be careful not to over order. Great value for the price.
Very nice chairs, comfortable, the color is superb. The legs are in wood-effect metal.Pretty good!
Good chair
Great chair for the price. Looks great in the dining room. This is a very nice, easy to put together sectional for a small space
Awesome biy
Perfect!!! Easy to assemble, 10 minutes a chair and went perfectly w my dining room. Nice mid century look
Ok, not amazing
I got this chair to replace the stool that my vanity, now work desk, came with. I wanted something with a back that was a bit more comfy than the stool but that would also look nice in our bedroom where my office is. The chair is decent quality, nothing amazing. The pads are very thin and definitely not comfortable for long periods of sitting. I stand and pace a lot while I am on calls for work so I dont normally sit for very long. The legs are metal with a painted on look. The on the back is just a veneer and mine is not perfect. The small back cushion is not flush against the but not super noticeable. I have a cushion on it that I use for additional back/lumbar support. It was easy to put together and it is better than the stool I had previously. Probably better for an accent chair or a dining chair that you wont be in for too long. The fabric is not the softest and the weave is not tight. Not sure it would hold up to a lot of wear and tear or cleaning if you were trying to clean up a dinner spill. I have three kids and I definitely would not recommended this for someone with kids unless like me, you are the only one using it. Overall looks pretty good and has a good mid-century mod style. It is sturdy enough and serves its purpose but probably would not hold up well to a lot of regular use.
Love it
Comfortable and have a good quality daddy loves it!
Great chair
These look even better in person than I expected. They are comfortable to sit in no matter your size and they look amazing at our table and tuck in nicely to save space.
Looks nice, but bad QC
Nice chair, but every screw hole was filled with I literally had to hammer out each hole and hollow it with the Allen key to get a screw to go in it. Looks nice when done but cheaply made.
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