This little table surprised me with its sturdiness! It was super easy to assemble with no tools at all, and as you can see by the photo it holds a lot of stuff! Perfect for my needs and looks cute.
This is exactly what I was looking for at a low price. the assembly, sturdiness and value were good, not 100 but close. The only issue I had, and its not a nice one after it was all together, when peeling off the letters for the parts, I found a dime size piece of wood off one of the shelves. I covered it with paint. Just wasnt worth taking it apart and returning it. That was the only unhappy part.
This is a very nice desk for the price, its sturdy enough to hold my 49 ultrwide monitor and other work devices and peripherals. I havent added other shelves yet, not really needed for my use case just to get up and running.
Be mindful of the weight limits. Its super easy to assemble, and works great for displaying my Lego collection. Thinking about purchasing another, but it is a little pricey.
Poorly manufactured. Required drilling all new holes as every screw required to hold down desk was misaligned over an inch for each hole. Took 5 hours to put together drilling correct holes. Cheap and it shows. Prevent drama, buy elsewhere.
My wife and I have a very small little vacation cottage. I needed a corner desk that I could put my laptop on to keep it from cluttering up the dining room table. This table exactly met our needs. I ordered it and it arrived the very next day. The assembly was super simple, everything just screws together without tools. The uprights are plastic which I actually prefer since we are located in the South Padre Island area where it is extremely salty conditions. Most metallic items will rust within just a few months because of the harsh environment. This table will definitely hold up since there is nothing to rust. There is just enough room for my computer bag on the lower shelf. I could not be happier with this purchase.
Very beautiful
Very good desk. And it is very beautiful looking.
Sturdy and good quality
Instructions were easy to follow and putting it together was a breeze. its very steady and does not move around. Very impressed by build quality.
Great value, easy to assemble
This little table surprised me with its sturdiness! It was super easy to assemble with no tools at all, and as you can see by the photo it holds a lot of stuff! Perfect for my needs and looks cute.
Not bad for the price
This is exactly what I was looking for at a low price. the assembly, sturdiness and value were good, not 100 but close. The only issue I had, and its not a nice one after it was all together, when peeling off the letters for the parts, I found a dime size piece of wood off one of the shelves. I covered it with paint. Just wasnt worth taking it apart and returning it. That was the only unhappy part.
Nice for price
Works well for my needs
Great desk!!!!!
This is a very nice desk for the price, its sturdy enough to hold my 49 ultrwide monitor and other work devices and peripherals. I havent added other shelves yet, not really needed for my use case just to get up and running.
Great quality
I was really impressed with the quality of the item! The desk is beautiful and fits very well! Love it!
Easy to assemble for light weight display.
Be mindful of the weight limits. Its super easy to assemble, and works great for displaying my Lego collection. Thinking about purchasing another, but it is a little pricey.
Buyer Beware
Poorly manufactured. Required drilling all new holes as every screw required to hold down desk was misaligned over an inch for each hole. Took 5 hours to put together drilling correct holes. Cheap and it shows. Prevent drama, buy elsewhere.
Nice Laptop Desk
My wife and I have a very small little vacation cottage. I needed a corner desk that I could put my laptop on to keep it from cluttering up the dining room table. This table exactly met our needs. I ordered it and it arrived the very next day. The assembly was super simple, everything just screws together without tools. The uprights are plastic which I actually prefer since we are located in the South Padre Island area where it is extremely salty conditions. Most metallic items will rust within just a few months because of the harsh environment. This table will definitely hold up since there is nothing to rust. There is just enough room for my computer bag on the lower shelf. I could not be happier with this purchase.
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