Looks beautiful! It was easy to put together / everything matched up, it didnt strip, and all parts were flush and solid. It even came with unexpected materials such as cable ties and wall bumpers for the corners! Would definitely recommend
It was easy to assemble I did it on with the help of my 4 year old. It is sturdy and is so beautiful. It is worth the money and the work to assemble it. I am so glad I bought this. If you are a student or staying home right now due to covid it is really nice work place everything is easy to access.
Fabulous product, easy to put together, as my hand said, the screw holes all matched up. Quality merchandise. Not only sturdy but beautiful, we love the shelving options. For the money, its a great product.
Great little corner table. I put this table behind my large chair in the living room that is in a corner. The space behing the chair needed a table. This table fits perfectly. The height of the table came even with the back of the chair. Now I can put a nice lamp, with a plant, or pictures on it. It was simple to assemble, very light weight, but not that sturdy, but Good for the money. It would make a good desk too, (if needed) for light use. I also like the different shelves. I have my wifi, and modem on them and they are out of sight. Before I bought this table, they were sitting on the floor behind the chair.
I love how the desk looks and feels. The size fits my needs nicely, though i will caution, if you are using double monitors it may be a tight fit. The directions for assembly was easy to follow. 5/5 would buy again ( i purchased 2 )
Good quality
Looks beautiful! It was easy to put together / everything matched up, it didnt strip, and all parts were flush and solid. It even came with unexpected materials such as cable ties and wall bumpers for the corners! Would definitely recommend
It was easy to assemble I did it on with the help of my 4 year old. It is sturdy and is so beautiful. It is worth the money and the work to assemble it. I am so glad I bought this. If you are a student or staying home right now due to covid it is really nice work place everything is easy to access.
great desk
works well for what I needed and i like how sturdy it is.
Quality and beauty, great combination.
Fabulous product, easy to put together, as my hand said, the screw holes all matched up. Quality merchandise. Not only sturdy but beautiful, we love the shelving options. For the money, its a great product.
Good buy
I liked the product putting together was a bit of a chore but once assembled it is really sturdy
Fits great in a small space. Sturdy desk with lots of storage space
Easy to assemble
Great little corner table. I put this table behind my large chair in the living room that is in a corner. The space behing the chair needed a table. This table fits perfectly. The height of the table came even with the back of the chair. Now I can put a nice lamp, with a plant, or pictures on it. It was simple to assemble, very light weight, but not that sturdy, but Good for the money. It would make a good desk too, (if needed) for light use. I also like the different shelves. I have my wifi, and modem on them and they are out of sight. Before I bought this table, they were sitting on the floor behind the chair.
A decent desk.
Great Office Piece
I bought this desk for my daughter thats working from home. She loves it. It fits perfectly in the room
Good quality, beautiful desk!
I love how the desk looks and feels. The size fits my needs nicely, though i will caution, if you are using double monitors it may be a tight fit. The directions for assembly was easy to follow. 5/5 would buy again ( i purchased 2 )
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