It was easy to put together and fits right in a corner. I use for my laptop and printer and it can store some books and paper. good little nuke in a corner.
Great product for the price. The first piece I tried to assemble however did break so, I had to super glue it. But other than that, it does what I got it for!
No complaints. Easy assembly, lightweight, but sturdy, exactly what I was expecting, especially with s virtual view, I could see how it would look before I got it.
Arrived scuffed, but very easy to assemble. Sturdy enough to hold my printer. Not large enough for a notebook and laptop, but enough space to use one at a time.
Serves its purpose. The legs are plastic, but that hasnt seemed to affect the sturdiness. Super easy to assemble, works perfectly as a vanity in my small space.
It is ok but not great. We are now using as just a small shelf unit to hold light things. Would not be good as a desk in my opinion. Too small, too wobbly, no leg room.
It was super easy to assemble by myself and it holds everything I need it to. Keeping in mind that I only put my video game cases, small able gaming hardware, comic books and records with record player. If it had to hold more I feel as if it would crack the wood as the plastic tubes are much stronger than I thought.
I wouldnt use this product as a desk rather than a corner cabinet/storage.
Great little desk
Great product, sturdy so far. Im using mine as a vanity
Great buy
It was easy to put together and fits right in a corner. I use for my laptop and printer and it can store some books and paper. good little nuke in a corner.
Both worth the price plastic tubes strip easy
The plastic tubes tend to strip easy had to hot glue them to stay sturdy
Great product for the price. The first piece I tried to assemble however did break so, I had to super glue it. But other than that, it does what I got it for!
You wont be disappointed.
No complaints. Easy assembly, lightweight, but sturdy, exactly what I was expecting, especially with s virtual view, I could see how it would look before I got it.
Decent for price
Arrived scuffed, but very easy to assemble. Sturdy enough to hold my printer. Not large enough for a notebook and laptop, but enough space to use one at a time.
Simple, effective
Serves its purpose. The legs are plastic, but that hasnt seemed to affect the sturdiness. Super easy to assemble, works perfectly as a vanity in my small space.
Love it
Absolutely love it. The only drawback was that it was smaller than expected and part of it was chipped even so its a keeper.
Not very sturdy
It is ok but not great. We are now using as just a small shelf unit to hold light things. Would not be good as a desk in my opinion. Too small, too wobbly, no leg room.
Easy to store/organize small objects
It was super easy to assemble by myself and it holds everything I need it to. Keeping in mind that I only put my video game cases, small able gaming hardware, comic books and records with record player. If it had to hold more I feel as if it would crack the wood as the plastic tubes are much stronger than I thought. I wouldnt use this product as a desk rather than a corner cabinet/storage.
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