Absolutely love this sideboard! It was easy to assemble. Its sturdy and heavy. I get constant compliments about this piece, and it fits perfectly in my entryway! Sooooo happy I bought this
It took a bit to get it together, but i was doing it myself. Don't tighten the screws when you put them in, wait to tighten when it all together. Also, the rubber feet are adjustable to have the table even. This table looks great!!!
Absolutely love this ! The box is very heavy when it arrives just a warning. Very simple to put together and it feels so sturdy. Looks beautiful ! Highly recommend.
I really enjoyed the look of this so I wanted it. I have not put anything on it as we wait for more shelves to come so we can lay things out but it will be for displaying pictures and other collectibles. The assembly was not the easiest since some screws would not line up. The directions say not to fully tighten screws till full assembled and this is the best tip. I had to loosen a few to get things to line up. When you tighten them all at the end rotate around like you would when tighten tire bolts. It all comes together then. I love the way this looks in our living room and cant wait to put display items out. I saw some reviews about a chemical smell. I did have this too but as weird as it sounds it just made me think its new and thats a new smell. I could see people not being happy about it though. After a few days its fading though.
Perfect fit for room
I was very impressed with the quality. Easy assembly. Fits perfect in my living room.
10/10 recommend!
Absolutely love this sideboard! It was easy to assemble. Its sturdy and heavy. I get constant compliments about this piece, and it fits perfectly in my entryway! Sooooo happy I bought this
Beautiful and great deal
Great deal for the money and was easy to put together. Very sturdy and attractive!
Love it!
Great purchase! Love everything about this table and just wish there were end tables to match.
Easy to assemble
Extremely easy to assemble took about 10 minutes. It is sturdy and is a great value for the money!
It took a bit to get it together, but i was doing it myself. Don't tighten the screws when you put them in, wait to tighten when it all together. Also, the rubber feet are adjustable to have the table even. This table looks great!!!
Console Table
Love it !
Absolutely love this ! The box is very heavy when it arrives just a warning. Very simple to put together and it feels so sturdy. Looks beautiful ! Highly recommend.
so unique!
love my new tv stand!! i was able to put this together by myself...took me about an hour but worth it!!
Very happy with purchase
I really enjoyed the look of this so I wanted it. I have not put anything on it as we wait for more shelves to come so we can lay things out but it will be for displaying pictures and other collectibles. The assembly was not the easiest since some screws would not line up. The directions say not to fully tighten screws till full assembled and this is the best tip. I had to loosen a few to get things to line up. When you tighten them all at the end rotate around like you would when tighten tire bolts. It all comes together then. I love the way this looks in our living room and cant wait to put display items out. I saw some reviews about a chemical smell. I did have this too but as weird as it sounds it just made me think its new and thats a new smell. I could see people not being happy about it though. After a few days its fading though.
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