Nice! The bed is for my guest room so that a kid can sleep above and parents below. The assembly took about 3 hours with 2 people, but was not too difficult. You do need to pay attention to the right and left pieces as we had to switch a few around. Good sturdy bed. The only complaint is that the stickers labeling the pieces are on the protective bags and not the actual pieces. We had to figure a few out before we realized what was up.
This was a nightmare to assemble. I used this product to create space in two rooms for four children. This is a wonderful idea and it worked. I just wished that it didnt take up so much time assembling. It was great for the money. I thank you all for this product.
Very durable. Well it took some doing but I managed to put it together by myself. I would recommend that you have help at least until you have the shell standing by itself. It seems solid enough and it comes with everything you need to put it together. The best part is all the holes lined up just where they were supposed to so no assembly surprises.
This works. I was just buyin a bed cuz I didnt wanna sleep on a mattress on the floor any longer. This was cheaper than buying futon and my kid can climb on the top. Its good bed. I guess it sturdy if it hasnt broke under my weight. But that just might be my paranoia fyi, dont put this bed together by yourself. Lol
Great bed for the price, not too difficult to assemble!
Nice! The bed is for my guest room so that a kid can sleep above and parents below. The assembly took about 3 hours with 2 people, but was not too difficult. You do need to pay attention to the right and left pieces as we had to switch a few around. Good sturdy bed. The only complaint is that the stickers labeling the pieces are on the protective bags and not the actual pieces. We had to figure a few out before we realized what was up.
I like it. Thanks
Squeaky but sturdy
It works. Took awhile to assemble but looks great in the room
Not easy to assemble
Works well.Some of the steps in assembly seemed out of place and there were no caps for the bottoms, hope it doesnt cut into my carpet
This was a nightmare to assemble. I used this product to create space in two rooms for four children. This is a wonderful idea and it worked. I just wished that it didnt take up so much time assembling. It was great for the money. I thank you all for this product.
Economical twin over full
Very durable. Well it took some doing but I managed to put it together by myself. I would recommend that you have help at least until you have the shell standing by itself. It seems solid enough and it comes with everything you need to put it together. The best part is all the holes lined up just where they were supposed to so no assembly surprises.
Worth the money.
Very good value. A little sqeaky but love it!
Well worth the purchase. Like product, great investment
You should buy. Its very nice at my room
Metal bunkbed
This works. I was just buyin a bed cuz I didnt wanna sleep on a mattress on the floor any longer. This was cheaper than buying futon and my kid can climb on the top. Its good bed. I guess it sturdy if it hasnt broke under my weight. But that just might be my paranoia fyi, dont put this bed together by yourself. Lol
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