The product is easy to assemble and is sturdy at first. I use it for 30 minutes of light bouncing every day, and a spring snapped less than 60 days after I received it. I weigh 170 pounds, so this should not have happened. Im disappointed because this was a great purchase for the 60 days I had it.
I love this item. It was kind of hard to unfold for a a 63 year old with not a lot of muscle strength, but once I got it together, I absolutely love it.
Very satisfied
Been using it daily. It a nice size and sturdy
Buy It
Workes as expected and easy to put together. I appreciate the handle bar too!
This product was easy to assemble ! Its a great piece of exercise equipment ! Its made well and you cant beat the price !
Great product
Been very pleased.
Great buy
Great trampoline! Easy to put together and my daughter, whos 5, loves playing on it.
Easy to assemble, breaks easily with no good fix
The product is easy to assemble and is sturdy at first. I use it for 30 minutes of light bouncing every day, and a spring snapped less than 60 days after I received it. I weigh 170 pounds, so this should not have happened. Im disappointed because this was a great purchase for the 60 days I had it.
Would buy again
Able to assemble in about 10 minutes, very sturdy, and comes with two sets of foot covers so it doesnt scratch surfaces. Great value for the money!
Very good
Very good.
Mini Trampoline
I love this item. It was kind of hard to unfold for a a 63 year old with not a lot of muscle strength, but once I got it together, I absolutely love it.
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