Overall this product is not really bad but the overall value is not worth the $400 we paid for it especially since it took so much time to assemble and it’s not heavy or very sturdy. It looks nice but I’m scared to put anything very heavy in it.
We like the look and utility of the cabinet. We disliked the assembly. Pieces can easily be installed upside down or on the wrong side. There should be another person to help you with two or three of the assembly steps.
Whew, this thing is a pain to put together, the directions are terrible and you certainly need power tools unless you have three or four days to assemble!! Over the cabinet is perfect and it’s exactly what I needed and wanted!! Now for $400 ehhh probably worth more like $250.
Great for the price
Hard to assemble - and flimsy but good for the price
Pressed wood not worth the cost
Overall this product is not really bad but the overall value is not worth the $400 we paid for it especially since it took so much time to assemble and it’s not heavy or very sturdy. It looks nice but I’m scared to put anything very heavy in it.
carefully follow the assembly instructions.
We like the look and utility of the cabinet. We disliked the assembly. Pieces can easily be installed upside down or on the wrong side. There should be another person to help you with two or three of the assembly steps.
A pain to assemble!!!
Whew, this thing is a pain to put together, the directions are terrible and you certainly need power tools unless you have three or four days to assemble!! Over the cabinet is perfect and it’s exactly what I needed and wanted!! Now for $400 ehhh probably worth more like $250.
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