Its so good easy to assemble and perfect height! The only complaint I have is that one of the legs from the middle was manufactured wrong, the hole that you put the screw was made side way instead of up and down I reported it to them to get a replacement for that only piece and they just offered me a refund and they sent the refund They are really concerned about the satisfaction of their customers.
First picture its how is supposed to be and second picture its the side way hole that cant connect with the leg with a screw.
In my opinion this bed its really good, firm and the customer service its a 5 stars
highly recommend it buying from them! Assembled Quickly.
nice bed frame
a little too low, had to buy a mattress pad to raise it a little. other than that, works just fine. Very durable.
Actuall quite happy with this
Cant say anything bad about it! Im quite happy with my purchase and the price. Loving my new frame!! Very good value.
Love the bed and the service!!!!
Its so good easy to assemble and perfect height! The only complaint I have is that one of the legs from the middle was manufactured wrong, the hole that you put the screw was made side way instead of up and down I reported it to them to get a replacement for that only piece and they just offered me a refund and they sent the refund They are really concerned about the satisfaction of their customers. First picture its how is supposed to be and second picture its the side way hole that cant connect with the leg with a screw. In my opinion this bed its really good, firm and the customer service its a 5 stars highly recommend it buying from them! Assembled Quickly.
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