My cats love to sleep on this, but I really got it for my grandson. It has been great for burning energy when the weather is crummy and he can’t go outside and play
Much easier to assemble than I expected. The springs were already attached. Just needed to unfold twice, wrap the pad around the frame, attach the legs and youre jUmPiNg within minutes of assemby! I live in a 30 ft trailer and like that it can easily be stored. It is sturdy and quiet. I bought the mini-trampoline without a handle but noticed the instructions refer to adding a handle by unscrewing two of the legs. So perhaps the handle can be purchased separately if thats an option you want.
We bought this as a gift for a two year old. He absolutely loves it! It was pretty easy to assemble and is quite sturdy. Both my husband and I jumped on it to test it out!
Easy to assemble, lightweight yet very sturdy! Portable and durable. Has even withstood my kitten attempting to sharpen her nails on the bounce pad. I highly recommend this trampoline for anyone with kids who have extra energy to run off.
Do it for your health!
I have been using this at least twice a week, feel more energetic throughout my day and productive. Extremely great of a 10 minute stress reliever.
Fun and a great workout
Easy to assemble and great if you want to change your workout routine
Many uses
My cats love to sleep on this, but I really got it for my grandson. It has been great for burning energy when the weather is crummy and he can’t go outside and play
Easy to assemble and portable
Much easier to assemble than I expected. The springs were already attached. Just needed to unfold twice, wrap the pad around the frame, attach the legs and youre jUmPiNg within minutes of assemby! I live in a 30 ft trailer and like that it can easily be stored. It is sturdy and quiet. I bought the mini-trampoline without a handle but noticed the instructions refer to adding a handle by unscrewing two of the legs. So perhaps the handle can be purchased separately if thats an option you want.
best bounce
I use this trampoline for many fitness exercises. I love it. The bounce is perfect! Very easy set-up and love how it folds to make storage a breeze.
Great gift for kids
We bought this as a gift for a two year old. He absolutely loves it! It was pretty easy to assemble and is quite sturdy. Both my husband and I jumped on it to test it out!
A worthy investment
It was easy to assemble by myself. It is very sturdy. I use it daily and really enjoy exercising on it.
Good quality for great price!
Super affordable compared to the high end rebounders. Yet, still extremely good quality. I love it and use it every day!!
Great quality
Great quality! Easy to assemble. We have used it every day for a month and no complaints. Very sturdy!
Awesome product
Easy to assemble, lightweight yet very sturdy! Portable and durable. Has even withstood my kitten attempting to sharpen her nails on the bounce pad. I highly recommend this trampoline for anyone with kids who have extra energy to run off.
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