Great product. I advise you assemble it in the room you want it in, because the bar you hold onto does not collapse. Youd have to take it apart to move it. Not a big deal tho. Worth the price I paid. I was concerned about if it could hold me. Im 56, 250lbs. Its very sturdy. Sometimes my 2yr old granddaughter grabs the bar and plays on it without any issues.
This is a gem! A great buy, it was quick and easy to put together. Im super impressed with how sturdy it is. I checked out quite a few before I decided on this one and Im glad I did. I like the size and the quality of materials.
I got this for a low impact workouts and it is perfect for it. It is easy to tuck away when not in use.
Not to mention that anyone who comes over cant resist a little fun.
This was fairly easy to assemble, only a little difficulty getting the protective cover on right. The trampoline is very sturdy with a solid and quiet bounce! Its a great, quick exercise now that winter is here and we cant get out as much. I love it and can already feel the effects after just four sessions.
This trampoline was easy to put together. I was worried about how squeaky it would be but it’s not loud. I feel like it hold my adult weight really well.
It came a couple days early which was great. Really easy to put together only took about 5 mins. We love it! So glad I bought it. My 6 year old granddaughter loves it and my daughter and I can use it as well. It has great tension would highly recommend
I got this trampoline for my 4 year old to use because she has sensory issues but I think it will end up being something we all use. It is super sturdy and I was impressed with the heavy duty metal used for the money I spent. It was super easy to assemble and we will be jumping for a long while.
Great quarantine exercise!
I’m loving this inside during winter quarantine - great exercise and fun!
Works for me
Great product. I advise you assemble it in the room you want it in, because the bar you hold onto does not collapse. Youd have to take it apart to move it. Not a big deal tho. Worth the price I paid. I was concerned about if it could hold me. Im 56, 250lbs. Its very sturdy. Sometimes my 2yr old granddaughter grabs the bar and plays on it without any issues.
Great quality!
This is a gem! A great buy, it was quick and easy to put together. Im super impressed with how sturdy it is. I checked out quite a few before I decided on this one and Im glad I did. I like the size and the quality of materials. I got this for a low impact workouts and it is perfect for it. It is easy to tuck away when not in use. Not to mention that anyone who comes over cant resist a little fun.
Great workout
Very sturdy great workout have bad knees and joints definitely recommend this trampoline
Solid and quiet bounce
This was fairly easy to assemble, only a little difficulty getting the protective cover on right. The trampoline is very sturdy with a solid and quiet bounce! Its a great, quick exercise now that winter is here and we cant get out as much. I love it and can already feel the effects after just four sessions.
More bounce for the ounce
Great trampoline with high weight limit
This is an excellent piece of equipment!
We are all loving this! The whole family is using it! Including the dog! A great addition to our workout routine!
Small and tough
This trampoline was easy to put together. I was worried about how squeaky it would be but it’s not loud. I feel like it hold my adult weight really well.
So glad I bought this one
It came a couple days early which was great. Really easy to put together only took about 5 mins. We love it! So glad I bought it. My 6 year old granddaughter loves it and my daughter and I can use it as well. It has great tension would highly recommend
I got this trampoline for my 4 year old to use because she has sensory issues but I think it will end up being something we all use. It is super sturdy and I was impressed with the heavy duty metal used for the money I spent. It was super easy to assemble and we will be jumping for a long while.
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