Product is as expected and good quality. Took some time to assemble but nice product and has fit in very well in a small bedroom. Recommend for others to buy. My son loves it!
The instructions say with two people it takes 1.5 hours to assemble. For one person, it took about two hours and would have gone much easier with a second set of hands.
Once it has been assembled, it will not be taken down easily. I dread how Im going to move it when I leave my apartment.
Otherwise, its good value for a bed. He loves it.
While overall the bed is fine, I was hugely disappointed in the size of it. The picture makes it look like a grand bed in stature, when in fact it is quite small. I should have made note of the headboard height (I assume its listed) and measured my wall to see the layout, but I didnt. I can place a platform under it to make it higher and appear larger, but I wont. Also, after seeing one persons review about the footboard height, I did make sure the mattress I ordered was no higher than 10 inches. Otherwise it will be higher than the footboard on the downslopes of it as it comes up in the center. Overall a decent bed, and it was delivered in a timely fashion with all the parts, nothing bent or scratched and was easy to put together. Money good to have.
The bed was extremely easy to assemble. Having two people does help it go along smoother though. I will say it was heavy in the box. FYI. I do wish the footboard was just slightly tallerbut Ill live lol It was easy.
Grey is battleship grey.
Using in my master bedroom. Please note the grey is a battleship grey color had I known I would have gotten the black My Nephew likes it,
Very nice bed
Product is as expected and good quality. Took some time to assemble but nice product and has fit in very well in a small bedroom. Recommend for others to buy. My son loves it!
Is it easy to put together
Love this frame. Very easy to put together too Good Product.
Great frame
Great frame! Perfect.
Excellent value for money love ours
Added plywood to foundation for mattress just for my peace of mind but has more support than most beds Easy set up.
Beautiful frame
Loved Cute.
Came dirty and damaged This was a nightmare to assemble.
Once assembled, it wont be easy to take down
The instructions say with two people it takes 1.5 hours to assemble. For one person, it took about two hours and would have gone much easier with a second set of hands. Once it has been assembled, it will not be taken down easily. I dread how Im going to move it when I leave my apartment. Otherwise, its good value for a bed. He loves it.
Smaller Than Looks
While overall the bed is fine, I was hugely disappointed in the size of it. The picture makes it look like a grand bed in stature, when in fact it is quite small. I should have made note of the headboard height (I assume its listed) and measured my wall to see the layout, but I didnt. I can place a platform under it to make it higher and appear larger, but I wont. Also, after seeing one persons review about the footboard height, I did make sure the mattress I ordered was no higher than 10 inches. Otherwise it will be higher than the footboard on the downslopes of it as it comes up in the center. Overall a decent bed, and it was delivered in a timely fashion with all the parts, nothing bent or scratched and was easy to put together. Money good to have.
Enjoying my new bed frame
The bed was extremely easy to assemble. Having two people does help it go along smoother though. I will say it was heavy in the box. FYI. I do wish the footboard was just slightly tallerbut Ill live lol It was easy.
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