Great bed and I am loving it so far. Easy to put together and looks very good. Came very well packaged along with instructions. Took me about two hours to assemble but that is because I move slow at my own pace. Very sturdy and doesnt move or slide. Love it.
Daughter loves this in her college apartment. Great value for the money considering its basically all in one and doesnt require purchasing a box spring or bed frame. Assembly was easy.Good.
Easy to assemble if you own additional tools. If not it is a pain. For the money this is a great purchase. Perfect for a guest bedroom. Attractive and strong.
I loved everything about it would have gave 5 stars but the smell it emitted. Research determined it was the smell of formaldehyde outgassing. I loved it.
Really nice for the price. I like that the headboard isnt super high so it fits under my window. Worth it! She loves it.
Easy to put together
Great bed and I am loving it so far. Easy to put together and looks very good. Came very well packaged along with instructions. Took me about two hours to assemble but that is because I move slow at my own pace. Very sturdy and doesnt move or slide. Love it.
Bought for teenager. EASY set/up. Conveniently packaged. Bed looks nice!! Very pleased! Great value. Very sturdy.
Great bed for the money
Daughter loves this in her college apartment. Great value for the money considering its basically all in one and doesnt require purchasing a box spring or bed frame. Assembly was easy.Good.
Great value for the money
Easy to assemble if you own additional tools. If not it is a pain. For the money this is a great purchase. Perfect for a guest bedroom. Attractive and strong.
Great bed if u can get past the smell
I loved everything about it would have gave 5 stars but the smell it emitted. Research determined it was the smell of formaldehyde outgassing. I loved it.
Was easy to assemble. So far I love it. Amazing!!!
Nice look and sturdy for cheap
Fairly easy to put together. Sturdy enough for a platform bed. Nice look for our in/law suite. Nice value too. My Nephew likes it,
It was extremely easy to put together alone! My son loves it!
Darker grey than in picture
Was expecting a light grey. It is darker. Good Product.
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