Assembly took longer than expected, namely because the pictures were not as clear as they could be. Also one of the wires were not connected resulting in the unit not charging. Once this issue was resolved all was good. Grandson had a blast riding while dad used the remote. Rode over grass and gravel drive with ease. Looking forward to many more fun times.
The assembly was fairly easy for me, although I could see where someone who isn’t mechanically inclined might have some issues. The windshield was very tight fitting and needed a significant amount of force to bend to fit into the sockets. A few screws were missing, but I had some on the shelf, not a huge deal, I think they were 1/2” 10’s. Overall the design seems very robust.
As far as drivability, its great. My son has been on it almost every day for the past 3 months and he absolutely loves it. Great features on the steering wheel for horn and music keep him entertained for more than an hour and dada loves the BT music. Also the 4 drive wheels make getting a thing of the past.
The seat is also very adjustable for a growing youngin’. I have moved it up so only 2 screws are used to fasten the seat down so my son can reach the pedal, so far it has held up great, he’s about 30lbs.
Overall I highly recommend this truck.
My child loves this ride! It has two modes slower and faster
Also you can use controller to control the car or child can do it by she/he self has radio and car noises my child and me are satisfied
Great vehicle for the cost. Fast delivery and was easy to assemble and the enclosed directions were clear and easy to follow. Having a bit of problem with the control unit. Do recommend for any child.
Three Stars
Love it. But the control antenna breaks easily
Purchase car assembled
Instructions aren’t clear but still figured it out with help.
Once this issue was resolved all was good. Grandson had a blast riding while dad used ...
Assembly took longer than expected, namely because the pictures were not as clear as they could be. Also one of the wires were not connected resulting in the unit not charging. Once this issue was resolved all was good. Grandson had a blast riding while dad used the remote. Rode over grass and gravel drive with ease. Looking forward to many more fun times.
Great Truck!
The assembly was fairly easy for me, although I could see where someone who isn’t mechanically inclined might have some issues. The windshield was very tight fitting and needed a significant amount of force to bend to fit into the sockets. A few screws were missing, but I had some on the shelf, not a huge deal, I think they were 1/2” 10’s. Overall the design seems very robust. As far as drivability, its great. My son has been on it almost every day for the past 3 months and he absolutely loves it. Great features on the steering wheel for horn and music keep him entertained for more than an hour and dada loves the BT music. Also the 4 drive wheels make getting a thing of the past. The seat is also very adjustable for a growing youngin’. I have moved it up so only 2 screws are used to fasten the seat down so my son can reach the pedal, so far it has held up great, he’s about 30lbs. Overall I highly recommend this truck.
Man, this thing is cool!
Awesome little ride for my baby. Love the remote capabilities and the Bluetooth. Definitely recommend!
Fun fun fun!
My child loves this ride! It has two modes slower and faster Also you can use controller to control the car or child can do it by she/he self has radio and car noises my child and me are satisfied
Fast delivery.
Great vehicle for the cost. Fast delivery and was easy to assemble and the enclosed directions were clear and easy to follow. Having a bit of problem with the control unit. Do recommend for any child.
My grandbaby happy and he loves it.
My grandson love it thats all that matters
Nice jeep great price
Great little ride!
Great product for great price!
This is my second Jeep! Loved the one for my grandson so I got the same one for my nephew. They both Loooovvveee it! Easy to assemble and runs great
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