Looks solid, easy to assemble. Loving our new bunk beds. They were easy to assemble in less than 3hrs with 2 adults. They are very sturdy for our very active boys and like that they are lower to the ground!
Value for money. Excellent quality for the price. The ONLY thing I dont absolutely love is that the ladder can be pushed outwards away from the bed (when youre standing underneath) and its going to eventually bust the nuts/bolts that attach it to the frame. Other than that its perfect for my toddler boys!
Good quality. We love this bunk bed! It is solid and safe for my kids. They cant wait to sleep in it every night. I was able to put it together myself. The wood is high qualitynot particle board.
Good. Absolutely love this bunk bed. Its so perfect for younger children. Very attractive. Easy to assemble took about one hour for me and my husband. It does not rock or shake like the ones I saw at the furniture stores priced much higher. I have a 2 year old and the low bed at the bottom is so perfect. The height of the top bunk is perfect for my five year old.
Perfect. Love this bed we got yesterday. With two of us putting it together it took a couple hours but easy enough to put together. Its very sturdy. The only thing is one of our bolts were stripped. I need to figure out how to contact someone to get a new bolt.
Love it! Perfect for my 4 and 2 yr old. I (5 4) adult woman can barely sit up right on the bottom, but my youngest is perfectly fine. She even tries to walk on her bed but has to bend down some. We used 8 mattresses.
Great quality and easy to assemble.
Looks solid, easy to assemble. Loving our new bunk beds. They were easy to assemble in less than 3hrs with 2 adults. They are very sturdy for our very active boys and like that they are lower to the ground!
Wonderful product
Good quality. Our kids love it and so do we.
Value for money. Excellent quality for the price. The ONLY thing I dont absolutely love is that the ladder can be pushed outwards away from the bed (when youre standing underneath) and its going to eventually bust the nuts/bolts that attach it to the frame. Other than that its perfect for my toddler boys!
Long set up, great bed!
Great! Seemed to take a bit to set up but once set up everything seems sturdy and well done.
Good quality. We love this bunk bed! It is solid and safe for my kids. They cant wait to sleep in it every night. I was able to put it together myself. The wood is high qualitynot particle board.
Worth the buy. You wont regret.
Good. Absolutely love this bunk bed. Its so perfect for younger children. Very attractive. Easy to assemble took about one hour for me and my husband. It does not rock or shake like the ones I saw at the furniture stores priced much higher. I have a 2 year old and the low bed at the bottom is so perfect. The height of the top bunk is perfect for my five year old.
I love it
Kids love it easy to put together. Sturdy wood and looks very nice.
Great bed!
Perfect. Love this bed we got yesterday. With two of us putting it together it took a couple hours but easy enough to put together. Its very sturdy. The only thing is one of our bolts were stripped. I need to figure out how to contact someone to get a new bolt.
Love it!
Easy assembly. We love it! My girls are very happy with their bed.
Perfect fit
Love it! Perfect for my 4 and 2 yr old. I (5 4) adult woman can barely sit up right on the bottom, but my youngest is perfectly fine. She even tries to walk on her bed but has to bend down some. We used 8 mattresses.
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