Bought this for my son to transition from a toddler bed to a twin bed. I wanted a lower bed frame because hes not even 3 yet. Its a great size and very sturdy. Also had a nice look to it and goes nicely in his room. We love it and are very happy with this purchase. Just follow the instructions and youll be fine!!
This bed is great! Very simple. Low to the floor. Perfect for a toddler. But also strong enough to hold her mom and dad and her all at the same time when we lay in bed reading to her at night. Most toddler beds have a much lower weight restriction. And this bed (being a twin size) will be good enough until she is a teenager and wants something a higher up. Better then I thought
So beautiful. I love it, still a bit pricy yet the better price I could find for this time of product. Not my first product and aleays cery satisfy of the quality and the after service when needed. This bed was so easy to assemble. Did not disappoint
She absolutely loves it and I feel a lot better knowing that when she falls out of bed, its only about a 9 fall to the ground. I bought one of those memory foam/spring coil twin mattresses that are shipped all rolled up, as I was hesitant about not having a box spring. I cant imagine it being any more comfortable with a box spring. Pay attention to the pictures!
We caught this on sale (the gray one) and Im so glad we bought it. I was worried that the transition from our bedroom to her own was going to be tricky without something special. But she was THRILLED about her new Big girl princess bed. I spent only about 20 at our local hobby store on a bit of fabric, floral vine, and fairy lights to really make it fun. And she picked out her own bedding. The frame was easy to put together, sturdy metal, with nothing for her hair or clothes to catch on. Were very pleased with it! Love it
Weve set it up with a regular twin mattress and there is a small gap of space length wise but it doesnt seem to problematic. I appreciate the slates on bottom for airflow We have no dislikes
Have been using this for my daughter for 3 months and its a wonderful toddler bed! It was easy to set up but did need help holding some parts up, looks just like the photo and has held up great! It was packaged nicely
Brought this bed for my 1year old son. Very easy to assemble! Only brought a mattress for it so that its low to the ground and easy to climb up and down on! I also brought a tent cover from ikea to go over it that Im hoping to put up soon! His dad and I lay in the bed at times cause its so comfy and cozy. LOVE LOVE!!
Good Height for Toddler, Great Transition Bed
Bought this for my son to transition from a toddler bed to a twin bed. I wanted a lower bed frame because hes not even 3 yet. Its a great size and very sturdy. Also had a nice look to it and goes nicely in his room. We love it and are very happy with this purchase. Just follow the instructions and youll be fine!!
Wrong pieces!! One side all fit perfect and the other didnt line up at all. Do NOT recommend.
Great bed! Super cute!
This bed is great! Very simple. Low to the floor. Perfect for a toddler. But also strong enough to hold her mom and dad and her all at the same time when we lay in bed reading to her at night. Most toddler beds have a much lower weight restriction. And this bed (being a twin size) will be good enough until she is a teenager and wants something a higher up. Better then I thought
Toddler and parents favorite
So beautiful. I love it, still a bit pricy yet the better price I could find for this time of product. Not my first product and aleays cery satisfy of the quality and the after service when needed. This bed was so easy to assemble. Did not disappoint
Very Sturdy
My son loves his bed so much! Good Quality for Cost
Functional and adorable!
She absolutely loves it and I feel a lot better knowing that when she falls out of bed, its only about a 9 fall to the ground. I bought one of those memory foam/spring coil twin mattresses that are shipped all rolled up, as I was hesitant about not having a box spring. I cant imagine it being any more comfortable with a box spring. Pay attention to the pictures!
My daughter loves this bed!
We caught this on sale (the gray one) and Im so glad we bought it. I was worried that the transition from our bedroom to her own was going to be tricky without something special. But she was THRILLED about her new Big girl princess bed. I spent only about 20 at our local hobby store on a bit of fabric, floral vine, and fairy lights to really make it fun. And she picked out her own bedding. The frame was easy to put together, sturdy metal, with nothing for her hair or clothes to catch on. Were very pleased with it! Love it
We love it
Weve set it up with a regular twin mattress and there is a small gap of space length wise but it doesnt seem to problematic. I appreciate the slates on bottom for airflow We have no dislikes
Great purchase! Looks beautiful and was easy to set up
Have been using this for my daughter for 3 months and its a wonderful toddler bed! It was easy to set up but did need help holding some parts up, looks just like the photo and has held up great! It was packaged nicely
Brought this bed for my 1year old son. Very easy to assemble! Only brought a mattress for it so that its low to the ground and easy to climb up and down on! I also brought a tent cover from ikea to go over it that Im hoping to put up soon! His dad and I lay in the bed at times cause its so comfy and cozy. LOVE LOVE!!
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