Happy with bed, easy install, directions were clear, took about an hour with a helping hand. Seems pretty sturdy for my 5 year old. I am very happy with it
Wanted something that would last my daughter from now through her teens which is why I bought this. The instructions made it easy to put together but had issues with some of the holes as they did not line up so had to tweak it a little bit to get the frame to fit properly. Another thing is my daughter has a twin bed and it did not fit so I had to take one of the ends off for it to fit properly. Overall my daughter loves her new bed frame. Overall you got what you paid for.
Our girls loved it, they said the blue was pretty lol
Easy enough to assemble. Took about 45mins to an hour to put together.That was with two, 2yr old twins running around too. Lol
I highly recommend this bunk bed. Sturdier than I expected
The ladder for some odd reason was the only one to be misaligned, I had to align and route a new hole in order for the screws to slide through and tighten it to the rest of the frame. Otherwise its sturdy and seems to hold well, instructions were pretty easy to understand for set up. I do recommend screwing in the screws pretty loosely to just have enough of a hold before tightening all the way to prevent having to screw back and forth if something is wrong or misaligned. so beautiful and wonderful
Loft Bed
Happy with bed, easy install, directions were clear, took about an hour with a helping hand. Seems pretty sturdy for my 5 year old. I am very happy with it
Difficult to get in and out of
The bed is cute. I had to remove the side the ladder was on because my daughter was afraid to climb over it the side. Well built product
Easy directions to follow Awesome piece of product
It for a twin bed but it did not fit
Wanted something that would last my daughter from now through her teens which is why I bought this. The instructions made it easy to put together but had issues with some of the holes as they did not line up so had to tweak it a little bit to get the frame to fit properly. Another thing is my daughter has a twin bed and it did not fit so I had to take one of the ends off for it to fit properly. Overall my daughter loves her new bed frame. Overall you got what you paid for.
Kids love them.
Sturdy so far. Good value and cute color.
Great for the money.
Our girls loved it, they said the blue was pretty lol Easy enough to assemble. Took about 45mins to an hour to put together.That was with two, 2yr old twins running around too. Lol I highly recommend this bunk bed. Sturdier than I expected
Kid tested. Parent approved
My girls love this bunk bed! Super sturdy so I dont have to worry itll fall apart. Aesthetically pleasing as well. I would definitely buy again.
Be prepared for holes not to line up
The ladder for some odd reason was the only one to be misaligned, I had to align and route a new hole in order for the screws to slide through and tighten it to the rest of the frame. Otherwise its sturdy and seems to hold well, instructions were pretty easy to understand for set up. I do recommend screwing in the screws pretty loosely to just have enough of a hold before tightening all the way to prevent having to screw back and forth if something is wrong or misaligned. so beautiful and wonderful
Easier than you think
Put this together with my 7 yr son. Im happy with my purchase
Bunk bed
This bunk bed is sturdy and make sure you read the instructions Pretty comfy for the price
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