Very sturdy piece. I purchased for my daughters' room as I did not want my toddler trying to climb a bunk bed. I am very pleased with the stability. No squeaky sounds when they climb around on it. Directions were pretty straight forward. *I like the Allen key ratchet!
Very sturdy, bought for grand kids. You can only put a 6” mattress on the trundle. Cons, the two locks on the trundle doesn’t stop it from rolling around. For the price it’s great.
Very well made . I just wish the wheels had easy locking added. The trundle rolls around to easy. Its all wood and very sturdy. It was surprisingly really easy to build. I was able to build it myself with a little bit of help. It took me maybe 2 hours to build maybe less. Its really nice. The trundle fits perfectly underneath the bed. Total space saver. I have 8 inch mattresses for both the trundle and bed. Its able to have the sheets and a thinner blanket on the trundle and it still slides right under the bed with no problem. If you want a comforter to fit under I suggest a 6 inch mattress. My kids love their new beds.
Very well made; but be forewarned. In the description it is not obvious that the ends of the bed do not match.There footboard is a raised panel. The headboard end of the bed is a simple slat; so it is open. So
if you are using it as a free standing day bed the ends do not match. I contacted the seller- who could not sell me a separate matching end. Contacted manufacturer; who referred me to other retailers. None of which would/could sell me the matching end. Still no resolution to find part.
Was easy to put together, looks nice. It did have a strange smell, as I had read from other reviewers. I washed it with Mr Clean with Febreeze and it helped some. It's been a little more than a month and the smell is not as bad but I can still detect it.
Very sturdy construction. Easy to assemble
Very sturdy construction. Easy to assemble. Our first guests said it was very comfortable. Thinking of buying a second one for our lake house.
Very sturdy piece. I purchased for my daughters' room as I did not want my toddler trying to climb a bunk bed. I am very pleased with the stability. No squeaky sounds when they climb around on it. Directions were pretty straight forward. *I like the Allen key ratchet!
Great for spare bedroom
Very sturdy, bought for grand kids. You can only put a 6” mattress on the trundle. Cons, the two locks on the trundle doesn’t stop it from rolling around. For the price it’s great.
Very sturdy, easy to assemble and great for small rooms or spaces
Nice bed fram
Very well built easy assembly
Five Stars
Very well designed and easy to put together. An overall great deal
All wood made well easy to assemble.
Very well made . I just wish the wheels had easy locking added. The trundle rolls around to easy. Its all wood and very sturdy. It was surprisingly really easy to build. I was able to build it myself with a little bit of help. It took me maybe 2 hours to build maybe less. Its really nice. The trundle fits perfectly underneath the bed. Total space saver. I have 8 inch mattresses for both the trundle and bed. Its able to have the sheets and a thinner blanket on the trundle and it still slides right under the bed with no problem. If you want a comforter to fit under I suggest a 6 inch mattress. My kids love their new beds.
Headboard/footboard do not match
Very well made; but be forewarned. In the description it is not obvious that the ends of the bed do not match.There footboard is a raised panel. The headboard end of the bed is a simple slat; so it is open. So if you are using it as a free standing day bed the ends do not match. I contacted the seller- who could not sell me a separate matching end. Contacted manufacturer; who referred me to other retailers. None of which would/could sell me the matching end. Still no resolution to find part.
Many options
Wanted a versatile be. This is it. Use as one or two twins or convert into a king. Gives us multiple options at a reasonable price.
Was easy to put together
Was easy to put together, looks nice. It did have a strange smell, as I had read from other reviewers. I washed it with Mr Clean with Febreeze and it helped some. It's been a little more than a month and the smell is not as bad but I can still detect it.
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