It was a piece of cake to assemble but very sturdy. We bought the set for our kids and it took about 1.5 hours to get both bed and trundle together. The instructions and numbering made it very easy to follow compared to other furniture we've had. The only thing that was tricky was the sticky vs non sticky placement in the diagram. We got 6in mattresses through a different company for them and they fit well. On the day bed you could go higher, but you definitely cannot on the trundle. All in all very pleased.
It was missing pieces upon arrival. Doesn’t fit together as well as it should. But still a decent bed for its price. My son loves the pull out feature for his friends.
It worked ok at first, we bought it in fall of 2019. We moved, and the bed slats don’t really fit anymore. My son had a ditch in his mattress because the slats moved to the sides and he was falling through the middle. Won’t be purchasing again
It was a great bed for what we were buying
It was a great bed for what we were buying. Great price and my son lives it! So do his friends when they stay the night. It was good purchase!
Good value and easy assembly.
It was a piece of cake to assemble but very sturdy. We bought the set for our kids and it took about 1.5 hours to get both bed and trundle together. The instructions and numbering made it very easy to follow compared to other furniture we've had. The only thing that was tricky was the sticky vs non sticky placement in the diagram. We got 6in mattresses through a different company for them and they fit well. On the day bed you could go higher, but you definitely cannot on the trundle. All in all very pleased.
Excellent value for the money
It was easy to assemble, it's easily into any room and is very comfortable.
It was easy to put together. I made the mistake and used a regular twin and it was to big for trundle. Otherwise great buy!
it was frustrating
it was frustrating to build and the pieces were all wrong
Decent bed for the price
It was missing pieces upon arrival. Doesn’t fit together as well as it should. But still a decent bed for its price. My son loves the pull out feature for his friends.
He loves it and takes less space that your regular day bed !
It was so easy to put together my 14 yr old son did it ! He loves it and takes less space that your regular day bed !
It was a gift for daughters birthday.
It was so easy to put together. And very sturdy.
Don’t ever try to move it
It worked ok at first, we bought it in fall of 2019. We moved, and the bed slats don’t really fit anymore. My son had a ditch in his mattress because the slats moved to the sides and he was falling through the middle. Won’t be purchasing again
It’s easy to put together and perfect if sharing a room.
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