We bought this as a Christmas present for our 18 year old daughter. She loves it and uses it every day. She says she plans to take it to college with her next year. Would definitely recommend this product.
I bought the chair for my 13 year old grandson and he just loves it. He say it very comfortable comfortable he has fallen asleep on it. He finds great for reading and gaming.
I bought this after discovering how ridiculously expensive bean bags chairs are with the cost of cover and fill. I took a risk without really reading much but was pleasantly surprised. It is comfortable, great color and did not bleed out the wallet! Two thumbs up! Perfect for crazy ten year old boys, by the way.
It is very comfortable and so light to lift and move.
If you got bad knees dont get
Its ok. This is definitely for the younger people but I got this for space and something else to have in our extra room and space.
Comfy and cute
Comfortable. Got for my tween daughter as her room floor chair
Its very comfortable. I wouldnt recommend for a heavy person and its worth the money
Its very comfortable. I wouldnt recommend for a heavy person and its worth the money
Supremely comfortable, lightweight, and easy to adjust. Love it.
perfect size for little reading nook!
I love the reclining option. I do wish it came with a foot stool extension, but Im short enough to be able to curl up in it!
Chaise Lounges - wonderful!
We bought this as a Christmas present for our 18 year old daughter. She loves it and uses it every day. She says she plans to take it to college with her next year. Would definitely recommend this product.
It is comfortable and easy to move from place to place.
Comfort Quality
I bought the chair for my 13 year old grandson and he just loves it. He say it very comfortable comfortable he has fallen asleep on it. He finds great for reading and gaming.
Comfortable, great color!
I bought this after discovering how ridiculously expensive bean bags chairs are with the cost of cover and fill. I took a risk without really reading much but was pleasantly surprised. It is comfortable, great color and did not bleed out the wallet! Two thumbs up! Perfect for crazy ten year old boys, by the way.
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