My grandson loves his loft bed and also plays underneath with his toys.
Great set up for a small room. It took about 1 hour for my son and grandson to assemble.
I got it on sale and its worth every penney.
Definitely makes a difference and gives me extra space that I needed! Forewarning, the locking clips can be a little hard to pop in place and you might pinch your finger! I did and it wasnt pleasant, it bled! Other than that, not too hard to assemble! Well worth it!!
Directions are pretty straight forward. Bed is sturdy. We didnt listen to the advice from other reviews so we learned the hard way not to completely tighten screws until the end!
My daughter loves this bed. Its not as tall as I thought it was going to be but that made me less worried about her rolling off. Easy to assemble and the instructions were easy to follow.
Bought this bed for my daughter to open space in my kids bedroom (I have a three year old and a four month old and honestly love it. Not the sturdiest bed, but my daughter loves having a “big bed and has a nice little play area underneath. We added some LED lights underneath to give it more lighting and she loves it. Definitely worth the money!
This product is great. Works well in the room we bought it for. Gave 2 stars because we got charged twice and no one at seems to really care. Thats a lot of money for no product.
My son love his bed
Its sturdy, easy to assemble, good price and best of all MY SON LOVES IT.! I love it it was for a room make-over, my son 6 going on 7 years old!
Loft bed is great in a kids room!
My grandson loves his loft bed and also plays underneath with his toys. Great set up for a small room. It took about 1 hour for my son and grandson to assemble. I got it on sale and its worth every penney.
Great product, great price!
Definitely makes a difference and gives me extra space that I needed! Forewarning, the locking clips can be a little hard to pop in place and you might pinch your finger! I did and it wasnt pleasant, it bled! Other than that, not too hard to assemble! Well worth it!!
EASY assemble. Easier with two people.
Daughter loves it. Worth the price.
Good bed. Worth what you pay for.
Directions are pretty straight forward. Bed is sturdy. We didnt listen to the advice from other reviews so we learned the hard way not to completely tighten screws until the end!
10/10 recommend
My daughter loves this bed. Its not as tall as I thought it was going to be but that made me less worried about her rolling off. Easy to assemble and the instructions were easy to follow.
Good buy for the price
Got it for my daughter she loves it !
My three year old loves it!
Bought this bed for my daughter to open space in my kids bedroom (I have a three year old and a four month old and honestly love it. Not the sturdiest bed, but my daughter loves having a “big bed and has a nice little play area underneath. We added some LED lights underneath to give it more lighting and she loves it. Definitely worth the money!
Product good service not
This product is great. Works well in the room we bought it for. Gave 2 stars because we got charged twice and no one at seems to really care. Thats a lot of money for no product.
thanks great product
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