Love this bed for my kids. Definitely needs two people to assemble it. It comes with all the materials the wood is very sturdy and the color is a nice dark espresso.
Wood is real, and sturdy for children to use. The assemble process was very easy and took less than 2 hours with two people working together. a little wobbly but we fixed that really quick!
Its a beautiful piece in white . Doesnt take too much space . But the assembly took too much time , lots and lots of nails to screw and some of those nails slots were not properly drilled because of which we had a hard time assembling it . I feel the slats are not of great quality and it might break overtime. But overall I am ok with this bed .
My Teen loves pink, we chose a Cherry Theme and it is Beautiful. We recieved two huge boxes, two days apart. Every piece was accounted for and packaged well for protection.
I set out to assemble this bunk bed this morning, and expected to take a good chunk of my day. Nay said this bed, You will have me constructed in approximately two hours. As I was doing this alone, I expressed disbelief. The instructions were well written, except it didnt tell me to get some help putting the top bunk, well, on top. As I struggled to get it lifted up and lined up with the pegs, I heard a pink colored wooden voice say Youve got this champ. You are the Pan. And got it I did, in just about the promised two hours. And its glorious. I love it, my wife loves it, and in about an hour, Im sure my ungrateful horrible children will hate it.
Pro Tip, use a drill. Not hand tools. Youve got a lot of bolts and screws to turn.
2 people required
Love this bed for my kids. Definitely needs two people to assemble it. It comes with all the materials the wood is very sturdy and the color is a nice dark espresso.
Missing box
Only received 1 box and cant use now
overall great bunk bed
Wood is real, and sturdy for children to use. The assemble process was very easy and took less than 2 hours with two people working together. a little wobbly but we fixed that really quick!
Stable for kids
Easy to put together, very stable, ladder easy to climb for my children
Its beautiful
Its a beautiful piece in white . Doesnt take too much space . But the assembly took too much time , lots and lots of nails to screw and some of those nails slots were not properly drilled because of which we had a hard time assembling it . I feel the slats are not of great quality and it might break overtime. But overall I am ok with this bed .
Gorgeous Well Made!
My Teen loves pink, we chose a Cherry Theme and it is Beautiful. We recieved two huge boxes, two days apart. Every piece was accounted for and packaged well for protection.
Easy to build, great quality for the price!
I set out to assemble this bunk bed this morning, and expected to take a good chunk of my day. Nay said this bed, You will have me constructed in approximately two hours. As I was doing this alone, I expressed disbelief. The instructions were well written, except it didnt tell me to get some help putting the top bunk, well, on top. As I struggled to get it lifted up and lined up with the pegs, I heard a pink colored wooden voice say Youve got this champ. You are the Pan. And got it I did, in just about the promised two hours. And its glorious. I love it, my wife loves it, and in about an hour, Im sure my ungrateful horrible children will hate it. Pro Tip, use a drill. Not hand tools. Youve got a lot of bolts and screws to turn.
Great purchase
Great purchase. It did take a significant amount of time to assemble!
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