This was for our 6 year old and 2 year old. I even waited to write a review for durability and its perfect. Easy to assemble, you dont need to screw down every slat. Hardly moves when the girls lay down. Comes as shown, the space between the bottom bunk and the floor is substantial I would say almost 2 feet off the ground.
Very disappointed in this purchase. The screw holes didnt line up, which made it more difficult to put together. After finally getting it together, I noticed one board is cracked and there is damage to the top bunk rail. It would be a gigantic pain to take it down now, so Im not sure what Im going to do.
I was looking for a quick solution for the sleeping arrangements for two little girls, after my granddaughters came to live with know, one that didnt break the bank, but was still pretty, sturdy and safe. This fit the bill perfectly on all counts! Fairly easy to assemble with the well written instructions included. The girls LOVE their new beds!!
The only negative would have to be the ugly warning label affixed to the inside of the lower footboard. It was nearly impossible to remove and left behind a sticky mess from the adhesive that was used. I nearly deducted a point from my rating for this one thing. However, I found with a little WD40 applied with a rag, the mess came right off. So just a heads might want a can of WD40 on hand to more efficiently remove the label.
A good investment. I can see the girls using this set of bunk bed for years to come.
My sister in law had ordered the white one for her daughters and recommended it to me when i was looking for bunk beds for My boys
So happy that I ordered these
I ordered the brown one
They look very nice very sturdy
For the price you cant go wrong! There a lot of cheap lightweight creaky bunkbeds out there, NOT THIS! It looks pricey and is beautiful when its set up. If you scratch it use a wood pen marker! Was pretty similar lento put together . But 2 grandmas were able to do it!
Bunk beds
The assembly was easy because we had an impact driver, but the tools provided are not enough for this type of installation.
Worth the money!
This was for our 6 year old and 2 year old. I even waited to write a review for durability and its perfect. Easy to assemble, you dont need to screw down every slat. Hardly moves when the girls lay down. Comes as shown, the space between the bottom bunk and the floor is substantial I would say almost 2 feet off the ground.
I love it
Super nice
Its aming
Very disappointed in this purchase. The screw holes didnt line up, which made it more difficult to put together. After finally getting it together, I noticed one board is cracked and there is damage to the top bunk rail. It would be a gigantic pain to take it down now, so Im not sure what Im going to do.
Excellent Product For the Price!
I was looking for a quick solution for the sleeping arrangements for two little girls, after my granddaughters came to live with know, one that didnt break the bank, but was still pretty, sturdy and safe. This fit the bill perfectly on all counts! Fairly easy to assemble with the well written instructions included. The girls LOVE their new beds!! The only negative would have to be the ugly warning label affixed to the inside of the lower footboard. It was nearly impossible to remove and left behind a sticky mess from the adhesive that was used. I nearly deducted a point from my rating for this one thing. However, I found with a little WD40 applied with a rag, the mess came right off. So just a heads might want a can of WD40 on hand to more efficiently remove the label. A good investment. I can see the girls using this set of bunk bed for years to come.
Good for the price
My kids love it
Love bunkbeds
My sister in law had ordered the white one for her daughters and recommended it to me when i was looking for bunk beds for My boys So happy that I ordered these I ordered the brown one They look very nice very sturdy
For the price you cant go wrong! There a lot of cheap lightweight creaky bunkbeds out there, NOT THIS! It looks pricey and is beautiful when its set up. If you scratch it use a wood pen marker! Was pretty similar lento put together . But 2 grandmas were able to do it!
Got them for my boys ages 6 and 8. Its very sturdy and they love it!
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