Great customer service First online purchase of a furniture piece. I was worried it would be really cheap looking. But it was absolutely great. It is heavy wood . It was easy to assemble. My granddaughter loves it. Color was just as pictured.
Great Seller Customer Service! My husband and I had been looking for a sturdy twin size bed for our 2.5 year old. Everything we had been looking at was out of our price range or took big for her tiny room. Our toddler had been sleeping with us for months and absolutely refused to sleep in her toddler bed anymore. We were desperate and stumbled upon this bed. For the price, we were a little skeptical. But we went for it. Our toddler loves this bed. It took us 30 minutes to put together and was relatively easy. The hardest part was the prep because there are a few more parts then expected. But since the bed has arrived, our toddler has slept in it all night without any fuss! She loves her big girl bed.
Grab it if you can Great value for price. Solid wood bed. Easy to assemble. My 12 year old daughter loves it. This bed is solid wood, so hopefully it lasts longer than the last bed my daughter had which was made of fiber board. This bed is the same price point and is much more solid.
good product!Definitely just as described Easy one person assembly. Good value. Sturdy. Low profile, which makes getting into and out of bed easy for shorties like me. :) My only complaint is I received an oak finish instead of the walnut I selected.
Great product by all standards It is solid, attractive, and was easy to put together. The mattress fits down a inch or so into the frame. This keeps the mattress in place, but makes changing the sheets a bit of a hassle - though the mattress isnt that heavy to lift out of the frame.
Just as described This bed was purchased for my 84-year-old mother. She absolutely loves it. It is easy for her to crawl in and out. We purchased a memory foam mattress to go on top and she is very pleased with how sturdy and comfortable the bed feels.
Great buy. Easy to assemble
Great customer service First online purchase of a furniture piece. I was worried it would be really cheap looking. But it was absolutely great. It is heavy wood . It was easy to assemble. My granddaughter loves it. Color was just as pictured.
Great bed for a small toddler
Great Seller Customer Service! My husband and I had been looking for a sturdy twin size bed for our 2.5 year old. Everything we had been looking at was out of our price range or took big for her tiny room. Our toddler had been sleeping with us for months and absolutely refused to sleep in her toddler bed anymore. We were desperate and stumbled upon this bed. For the price, we were a little skeptical. But we went for it. Our toddler loves this bed. It took us 30 minutes to put together and was relatively easy. The hardest part was the prep because there are a few more parts then expected. But since the bed has arrived, our toddler has slept in it all night without any fuss! She loves her big girl bed.
Great product, great service GOOD BUY. MY DAUGHTER LOVES IT
Great value. Solid bed
Grab it if you can Great value for price. Solid wood bed. Easy to assemble. My 12 year old daughter loves it. This bed is solid wood, so hopefully it lasts longer than the last bed my daughter had which was made of fiber board. This bed is the same price point and is much more solid.
Great find!
Quality for a low price Love it!
Love this sleigh bed!
good product!Definitely just as described Easy one person assembly. Good value. Sturdy. Low profile, which makes getting into and out of bed easy for shorties like me. :) My only complaint is I received an oak finish instead of the walnut I selected.
Mighty Pleased
Great product by all standards It is solid, attractive, and was easy to put together. The mattress fits down a inch or so into the frame. This keeps the mattress in place, but makes changing the sheets a bit of a hassle - though the mattress isnt that heavy to lift out of the frame.
very steady
Great Price and Easy to Assemble I like this bed very muchIt Easy to assemble and very steady.
Perfect for my needs Absolutely love this bed! It was easy to put together and its very sturdy! I would really recommend this bed to anyone!
Sturdy little bed
Just as described This bed was purchased for my 84-year-old mother. She absolutely loves it. It is easy for her to crawl in and out. We purchased a memory foam mattress to go on top and she is very pleased with how sturdy and comfortable the bed feels.
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