This bed is very nice! Its also sturdy. We purchased the grey color and love it! So far its withholding 2 toddler boys jumping around and climbing on it. Quick ship.
I think this is a well made bed; however, it came with a dent right smack dab in the center of the top back rail. We thought about sending it back but decided it was too much trouble so we put the back against the wall. This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
Perfect for the price. It was easy enough to put together, I was able to do it by myself but two people as recommended would have made it a little easier. The only thing is the pieces arent labeled so that took some extra time but on the flip side no stickers to pick off. Simple and easy to put together.
LOVE THESE!!!! Perfect for space saving yet regular size . my boys are 9 and they didnt feel like baby beds lol Sturdy, perfect value for the money Ok.
My son loves his new bed! I love it too now that its finally together but honestly this was the absolute worst thing Ive ever put together in my life!!! None of the pieces were labeled and I ended up putting the top pieces on the bottom and the only way to fix it was to take the entire bed apart! at least my son is happy Space saver.
Great storage option. Its not bad its just not great.
Some of the holes are offset, some of the pieces arent marked. Theres a missing screw hole in the latter portion so I have this huge extra screw the latter feels loose like its going to snap. Its an easy fix if you have a drill but I dont so its annoying
My boys absolutely love their new bunk bed. And it gives me peace at mind knowing that it is not to high up if they were to fall off. They would be just fine. Thank you so much.
This bed is perfect for our 2 and 4 year olds. It is low to the ground so the one on top doesnt have to be so high. Assembly was tedious, but worth it. Very functional.
Easy to assemble, grey color is beautiful!
This bed is very nice! Its also sturdy. We purchased the grey color and love it! So far its withholding 2 toddler boys jumping around and climbing on it. Quick ship.
Came damaged
I think this is a well made bed; however, it came with a dent right smack dab in the center of the top back rail. We thought about sending it back but decided it was too much trouble so we put the back against the wall. This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
Great bed
Super easy to assemble and its sturdy my son loves it. Got some leds and made the under the bed a tent. Sturdy.
Love the bed
Easy to assemble and beautuful Worth it!!!
Exactly what I wanted
Perfect for the price. It was easy enough to put together, I was able to do it by myself but two people as recommended would have made it a little easier. The only thing is the pieces arent labeled so that took some extra time but on the flip side no stickers to pick off. Simple and easy to put together.
Definitely worth it
LOVE THESE!!!! Perfect for space saving yet regular size . my boys are 9 and they didnt feel like baby beds lol Sturdy, perfect value for the money Ok.
Pieces not labeled but otherwise great
My son loves his new bed! I love it too now that its finally together but honestly this was the absolute worst thing Ive ever put together in my life!!! None of the pieces were labeled and I ended up putting the top pieces on the bottom and the only way to fix it was to take the entire bed apart! at least my son is happy Space saver.
You need power tools to assemble easily 3 people
Great storage option. Its not bad its just not great. Some of the holes are offset, some of the pieces arent marked. Theres a missing screw hole in the latter portion so I have this huge extra screw the latter feels loose like its going to snap. Its an easy fix if you have a drill but I dont so its annoying
It worth it!
My boys absolutely love their new bunk bed. And it gives me peace at mind knowing that it is not to high up if they were to fall off. They would be just fine. Thank you so much.
Great purchase!
This bed is perfect for our 2 and 4 year olds. It is low to the ground so the one on top doesnt have to be so high. Assembly was tedious, but worth it. Very functional.
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