This is a sturdy bed. Good quality. I was happy with it. Assembly was rough and definitely needs more than one person. Happy with this purchase. No imperfections noted and all the pieces were included. Its OK.
The quality is good, the setup is very time/consuming and the instructions arent exactly clear when it comes to some of the directional pieces (meaning that they have to be installed on a specific side), but there are a few things you should be aware of before you order:
Measure your ceiling height and check the dimensions on here. If you have lower ceilings, the top bunk is going to be very close to the ceiling, and kind of hard to get into.
Measure your doors. Theres a very good chance that you are going to have to build it in the room that its going into because of the overall depth. That also means that it would take A LOT of disassembling if you ever want to move it to another room. Its heavy, so even if you dont have a door issue, its not a one man job to move it unless you can slide it.
There are zillions of pieces to put together. Youll be amed at the size of box that arrives because its so small. You need a good place to sort out those pieces when you assemble. All pieces were included, exactly the right amount, no missing and no defects.
This honestly takes a good half/day or more to put together, without distraction or kid/help. My husband is a retired farmer and he can basically tear apart and put together about anything in his sleep this bed caused bad words to flow from his mouth, and he was grumpier than usual when he finally finished. For days, actually. My mom loves it.
Interesting. Shakes and creeks. In putting it together a get of the Allen bolt heads stripped out with little effort and became impossible to get out if needed, so thats fun. Also prevented me from being able to reverse a previously installed piece because I couldnt get a bold out.
Our grandkids love it!
Worked great for our needs. Great for small spaces.
200 lbs weight
Not for a long time Love these.
Good buy
This is a sturdy bed. Good quality. I was happy with it. Assembly was rough and definitely needs more than one person. Happy with this purchase. No imperfections noted and all the pieces were included. Its OK.
Great value Fantastic Size.
Good bed, but check before you purchase.
The quality is good, the setup is very time/consuming and the instructions arent exactly clear when it comes to some of the directional pieces (meaning that they have to be installed on a specific side), but there are a few things you should be aware of before you order: Measure your ceiling height and check the dimensions on here. If you have lower ceilings, the top bunk is going to be very close to the ceiling, and kind of hard to get into. Measure your doors. Theres a very good chance that you are going to have to build it in the room that its going into because of the overall depth. That also means that it would take A LOT of disassembling if you ever want to move it to another room. Its heavy, so even if you dont have a door issue, its not a one man job to move it unless you can slide it. There are zillions of pieces to put together. Youll be amed at the size of box that arrives because its so small. You need a good place to sort out those pieces when you assemble. All pieces were included, exactly the right amount, no missing and no defects. This honestly takes a good half/day or more to put together, without distraction or kid/help. My husband is a retired farmer and he can basically tear apart and put together about anything in his sleep this bed caused bad words to flow from his mouth, and he was grumpier than usual when he finally finished. For days, actually. My mom loves it.
Takes a few hours to put together
Very hard to put together but all in all it has worked so far for our 2 boys. Easy to set up.
Easy to put together, everything labeled and fit perfectly. Clips for the slats keep the bars steady and reduces noise Enjoyed it.
Interesting. Shakes and creeks. In putting it together a get of the Allen bolt heads stripped out with little effort and became impossible to get out if needed, so thats fun. Also prevented me from being able to reverse a previously installed piece because I couldnt get a bold out.
Easy to assemble
My teenagers love it I love this!
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