Im not that good at putting things together but honestly took me like 40 minutes to assemble I did my daughter running around so it might have took longer. Very stable and a cute style. I appreciate it being a decent size, not too big or bulky. Would recommend. Simple and easy to put together.
Super easy to assemble, all parts came in perfect condition! Can easily be done by yourself if needed.
My only complaint so far is the measurements were not accurate from the description to what it came out. It said 11 inches for under the bed but I measured it at almost 10 inches. The headboard as well is about 1 inch shorter than the description.
Either than that my queen bet fits great and feels super sturdy. I have a 12in thick bed so a smaller queen would look even better.
Great bang for your Buck if it ends up holding out for a long time Ok.
The bed was super easy to assemble. Its very sturdy, and looks quite nice. None of the edges are sharp enough to cut you or mess up your bed or mattress. My only gripe is the slight creaking it had at first, I solved this problem pretty easily by using simple electric tape on the ends of the crossbars where they attach. I would easily recommend this bed frame! Space saver.
They arent kidding about easy to put together. You do need to get a mallet or hammer with a soft towel to align some of the pieces. There are only 4 bolts and the allen wrench is included for this. Super easy, I had it done in a matter of minutes. Seems quite sturdy and looks nice. No issues with build quality/damage. Overall very pleased with this frame. I think it looks nicer than other basic metal frames due to the minimal design on the front and that front edge/rear corners help keep your mattress centered/still. Very functional.
Excellent product
My son loves his new bed. Strong and easy to assemble. Excellent quality Sturdy.
My stepson love them. One is a bigger huskies boy and he just loves it. No noise easy to assemble Worth it!!!
Easy to assemble and its a nice size
Im not that good at putting things together but honestly took me like 40 minutes to assemble I did my daughter running around so it might have took longer. Very stable and a cute style. I appreciate it being a decent size, not too big or bulky. Would recommend. Simple and easy to put together.
Very Solid bed for the price
Super easy to assemble, all parts came in perfect condition! Can easily be done by yourself if needed. My only complaint so far is the measurements were not accurate from the description to what it came out. It said 11 inches for under the bed but I measured it at almost 10 inches. The headboard as well is about 1 inch shorter than the description. Either than that my queen bet fits great and feels super sturdy. I have a 12in thick bed so a smaller queen would look even better. Great bang for your Buck if it ends up holding out for a long time Ok.
Good quality for the price.
The bed was super easy to assemble. Its very sturdy, and looks quite nice. None of the edges are sharp enough to cut you or mess up your bed or mattress. My only gripe is the slight creaking it had at first, I solved this problem pretty easily by using simple electric tape on the ends of the crossbars where they attach. I would easily recommend this bed frame! Space saver.
Good for the price
Loved it, nice and easy. Thank you so much.
Very nice. Easy to put together.
They arent kidding about easy to put together. You do need to get a mallet or hammer with a soft towel to align some of the pieces. There are only 4 bolts and the allen wrench is included for this. Super easy, I had it done in a matter of minutes. Seems quite sturdy and looks nice. No issues with build quality/damage. Overall very pleased with this frame. I think it looks nicer than other basic metal frames due to the minimal design on the front and that front edge/rear corners help keep your mattress centered/still. Very functional.
Bought for sons new house
Bought for sons spare room for company, very comfy! Helps your back! Works great!
The head board
Its ok Perfect!!
Good bed frame
great frame, only complaint is that the corners are a tad pointy Very Sturdy product.
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