Very sturdy! Impressively easy to assemble. Sleek, compact, and does its job. Its not too tall or too short. Doesnt need a box spring which is great because those things are useless. Im very satisfied. Great Value.
Very sturdy. Aesthetically versitile headboard and design. My son jumps on it and it doesnt squeak, move or bounce off the wall. Seems like this will last him well into his teens or longer. Super easy to assemble, good storage underneath. Boxspring unnecessary. Needs.
Not as easy as people say. I really like this bed it wasnt too bad to put together, though had to muscle in a few of the pieces. The biggest issue I have is the legs do not have any rubber or anything to protect floor. This has led to our hardwood floors getting scratched.
So far Im loving this frame. Assembly was a breeze and its very sturdy. Style is minimalist, you could store stuff under it easily but I dont because its just tall enough to be able to see anything under there easily. I added rope lights to ours and love the look. Fits.
Its simple, nice looking, and easy to assemble. Some parts of mine arrived with scratches on the metal. I dont mind but does say something about quality control. I like the headboard a lot. Yes please!
One tool required to assemble.
Very sturdy! Impressively easy to assemble. Sleek, compact, and does its job. Its not too tall or too short. Doesnt need a box spring which is great because those things are useless. Im very satisfied. Great Value.
Nice and sturdy
Easy assembly. And like other reviewers mentioned a rubber mallet helps to set the pieces. But it still works great.
Great bed for the money
Very sturdy, not to bad to assemble but all the holes didnt line up. Had to make adjustments on how I assembled. Could be little cheaper.
Nice Frame
It was a little hard to get some of the pieces together but Im really happy with the outcome. Lots of space.
Great purchase
Very sturdy. Aesthetically versitile headboard and design. My son jumps on it and it doesnt squeak, move or bounce off the wall. Seems like this will last him well into his teens or longer. Super easy to assemble, good storage underneath. Boxspring unnecessary. Needs.
Great bed!
Easy to assemble and very sturdy. Much better than I anticipated honestly and well worth the money! Buy It.
Good bed but Scratches hard wood floors
Not as easy as people say. I really like this bed it wasnt too bad to put together, though had to muscle in a few of the pieces. The biggest issue I have is the legs do not have any rubber or anything to protect floor. This has led to our hardwood floors getting scratched.
Definitely recommend.
So far Im loving this frame. Assembly was a breeze and its very sturdy. Style is minimalist, you could store stuff under it easily but I dont because its just tall enough to be able to see anything under there easily. I added rope lights to ours and love the look. Fits.
Nice frame
Its simple, nice looking, and easy to assemble. Some parts of mine arrived with scratches on the metal. I dont mind but does say something about quality control. I like the headboard a lot. Yes please!
Great for the price ! Worked for my use.
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