Pretty sturdy, quality is ok. It isn’t the easiest to assemble, definitely need 2 people. One of the wood prices came without holes drilled into them. So we had to return the item & have them resend the entire furniture. So that was a huge hassle, especially because it’s pretty heavy. But customer service was helpful.
We had difficulty with assembly and the holes for the hinges seem to be in the wrong place. We have it all together except for the chest lid. It is small and fits the area we wanted it to. We could not find another one so small. It looks nice.
Arrived today and assembled. Came with many imperfections - one of those "nail a thin piece of cardboard like material on the back" furniture. Would like to get some sort of refund / compensation for product arriving damaged
The product is as described but for some reason I expected it to be larger. The height only came a little above my light switch and looks scrawny (see pic). I was going to attach a light weight mirror to it but that just won’t work.
Other details.
This is delivered in two boxes.
Box 1: A shoe bench as it’s own separate piece of furniture.
Box 2: The top hall tree piece.
Each of these pieces are easy to assemble individually, but gets tricky and requires two people to attach them together. M The top piece is also not that sturdy so comes w a system to attach it to the wall to secure it.
It worked out that it was two pieces for me because I can use the bench without the top. Please make this decision first because once you attaché the hall tree it will mess up the smooth surface of the bench. You have to manually screw through the top of the bench to attach the two pieces together. In my pic it is just sitting on top.
For sitting the approved weight limit is only 250 lbs.
For hanging items on hooks it is only approved for a total of 5 lbs for all 3 hooks! And 0 lbs for the very top of you wanted to use it to display any small items like a vase or frame.
I like that the lower shelve are adjustable which allows you to use for whatever storage you want other then just for shoes. I added baskets to mine or might even make one a bed/cubby for my Chihuahua.
The back panel is just cardboard so you can decide if you want to attach or leave it open.
The product is extremely good quality and easy to put together. The only reason I gave 3 stars instead of 5 is because we had ordered the white and gray piece but the piece that we got is fully gray.
Decent product, shelves are not straight.
Got this all the way built and the shelving is crooked.
Knock off Ikea
Heavy plywood... sadly overrated!!!!
Make sure to check that all pieces are included
Pretty sturdy, quality is ok. It isn’t the easiest to assemble, definitely need 2 people. One of the wood prices came without holes drilled into them. So we had to return the item & have them resend the entire furniture. So that was a huge hassle, especially because it’s pretty heavy. But customer service was helpful.
Nice for apartment
The shelves are not even, it appears the holes are not aligned for the pegs
We had difficulty with assembly and the holes for the hinges seem to be in the wrong place. We have it all together except for the chest lid. It is small and fits the area we wanted it to. We could not find another one so small. It looks nice.
Not impressed, came damaged and poor materials
Arrived today and assembled. Came with many imperfections - one of those "nail a thin piece of cardboard like material on the back" furniture. Would like to get some sort of refund / compensation for product arriving damaged
It’s small
The product is as described but for some reason I expected it to be larger. The height only came a little above my light switch and looks scrawny (see pic). I was going to attach a light weight mirror to it but that just won’t work. Other details. This is delivered in two boxes. Box 1: A shoe bench as it’s own separate piece of furniture. Box 2: The top hall tree piece. Each of these pieces are easy to assemble individually, but gets tricky and requires two people to attach them together. M The top piece is also not that sturdy so comes w a system to attach it to the wall to secure it. It worked out that it was two pieces for me because I can use the bench without the top. Please make this decision first because once you attaché the hall tree it will mess up the smooth surface of the bench. You have to manually screw through the top of the bench to attach the two pieces together. In my pic it is just sitting on top. For sitting the approved weight limit is only 250 lbs. For hanging items on hooks it is only approved for a total of 5 lbs for all 3 hooks! And 0 lbs for the very top of you wanted to use it to display any small items like a vase or frame. I like that the lower shelve are adjustable which allows you to use for whatever storage you want other then just for shoes. I added baskets to mine or might even make one a bed/cubby for my Chihuahua. The back panel is just cardboard so you can decide if you want to attach or leave it open.
Got the wrong color
The product is extremely good quality and easy to put together. The only reason I gave 3 stars instead of 5 is because we had ordered the white and gray piece but the piece that we got is fully gray.
Cheap material
Cheap looking
Very small shoe spaces
The shoe holes are soooooo small. Other than that it’s ok .
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