Great for the price - easy to assemble, looks nice, and works well. However, it does wobble a bit. It hasn't topped, but it definitely doesn't feel secure. Holds ~8 large coats
I'm impressed by the look and quality of the bench. Assembly could be a little easier. My daughter and I would follow the steps, and then need to loosen bolts to allow enough give for the next step. Overall, happy with the bench and the price.
Looks identical to picture and very sturdy. I love it, it was super easy to build and I have been getting major complements on it by everyone who comes over.
Super easy to Assemble and Durable
Definitely made a great addition to my home. All came in one box which was insanely heavy but the instructions were clear and super easy to assemble.
Great coat rack for small spaces
Great for the price - easy to assemble, looks nice, and works well. However, it does wobble a bit. It hasn't topped, but it definitely doesn't feel secure. Holds ~8 large coats
Great bench for a great price!
I'm impressed by the look and quality of the bench. Assembly could be a little easier. My daughter and I would follow the steps, and then need to loosen bolts to allow enough give for the next step. Overall, happy with the bench and the price.
Great value!
All the parts were in there, instructions were easy to follow. I did assemble by my self, but could have been helpful to have another person!
So glad I took the chance
Looks identical to picture and very sturdy. I love it, it was super easy to build and I have been getting major complements on it by everyone who comes over.
Missing instructions
The only issue is the top half came separately and without instructions, but I was able to build it using pictures and common knowledge.
Worth the money!
This hall tree was easy to assemble. Beautiful, simple, and practical for my little family!
very nice
this took my husband about 2 hours to put together but it looks really nice!
Easy to assemble
Easy to assemble. Dimensions exactly as in description.
Love it!
Easy to build sturdy. Love it!
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