couldnt find the instructions till I already put it together, it was taped to the box, but real easy to put it together without it. had it done in about 45 min. real sturdy Exactly what I was looking for
Easy to assemble, just make sure you have a screw gun or a drill to help put screws in there are a bunch, the instructions were spot on and its super sturdy. Worth the money!! Value is good for the price
It was a little hard to assemble but worth it! My kids absolutely love this bed! Would definitely recommend this bed to all my family and friends! Nice for the price.
Love the bed. It was just as pictured. Definitely a great set for children. It did have a scratch on one of the boards which took away one of the stars, but I was able to hide it easily without sending back. My grandbabies love their bed when they stay at Nanas! Love the color and it was very comfortable
This bed has been nothing but aming, especially for the price. It was easy to assemble (I was 7 months pregnant at the time and did it all by myself in just over an hour), it has been holding up nicely (my boys: 3, 2, 2 like to jump on them), plus my husband and I can sit on the beds with all of our boys and dont feel any uneasiness with the bed giving out (we have not stacked them yet because my 2 year old twins use them right now). Great color, had a scratch before coming out of the box, but really not a problem. Over all great buy. Its a good product
My kids love their new bunk beds. It was fairly easy to assemble, but it takes time. My husband spent 3 hours putting it together it was worth it! I will include that the top bunk definitely needs a more sturdy built to hold the mattress up if an older child (possibly weighing 100lbs) is to sleep there. The trundle make sleep overs FUN!! It is ok for the use.
so easy to set up and very sturdy
couldnt find the instructions till I already put it together, it was taped to the box, but real easy to put it together without it. had it done in about 45 min. real sturdy Exactly what I was looking for
Sturdy and worth the money
Easy to assemble, just make sure you have a screw gun or a drill to help put screws in there are a bunch, the instructions were spot on and its super sturdy. Worth the money!! Value is good for the price
Best purchase!
It was a little hard to assemble but worth it! My kids absolutely love this bed! Would definitely recommend this bed to all my family and friends! Nice for the price.
Worth the price!
Perfect! Love it! Exceeded my expectations
Great purchase
Item was delivered in perfect shape and went together easily (helps to have a husband who is a carpenter). Kids love it. Good product for its value
Great bed for littles!
Love the bed. It was just as pictured. Definitely a great set for children. It did have a scratch on one of the boards which took away one of the stars, but I was able to hide it easily without sending back. My grandbabies love their bed when they stay at Nanas! Love the color and it was very comfortable
Sturdy, great quality and great price!
Had this for a couple months. We love it. Great sturdy bed. Looks great too. It arrived on time
Better than expected. I was so excited to use it
Great bed
This bed has been nothing but aming, especially for the price. It was easy to assemble (I was 7 months pregnant at the time and did it all by myself in just over an hour), it has been holding up nicely (my boys: 3, 2, 2 like to jump on them), plus my husband and I can sit on the beds with all of our boys and dont feel any uneasiness with the bed giving out (we have not stacked them yet because my 2 year old twins use them right now). Great color, had a scratch before coming out of the box, but really not a problem. Over all great buy. Its a good product
Worth the price!!
My kids love their new bunk beds. It was fairly easy to assemble, but it takes time. My husband spent 3 hours putting it together it was worth it! I will include that the top bunk definitely needs a more sturdy built to hold the mattress up if an older child (possibly weighing 100lbs) is to sleep there. The trundle make sleep overs FUN!! It is ok for the use.
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