The bed was easy to assemble, it took about an hour for my husband and myself to put them together. Once together they are sturdy and well made. It comes with an Allen wrench, but we used a hex head screwdriver. They went together quicker and it was much easier to get the screws nice and tight. ALL GOOD!
Better than I expected. The color is beautiful. The safety is perfect for the three yr old who sleeps there. I must admit I was having some reservations when the two yr old climbed to the top bunk. All I could vision is the child falling through the rings breaking her neck. The three yr old sleeps on the top bunk no problems and the two yr old also had had no problems navigating the ladder or sleeping. Lovely for the price
Really good quality bought 2 for my boys I slept on it one night im not a small person either very comfortable with the mattress we have This product was exactly what I was hoping for
Did my research before buying. This seemed to be the sturdier bunk bed buy. Husband had a friend help took a few hrs. But its really nice and holding up wells so far Really Happy!!
Im 165lbs and get on the top to make it. It feels sturdy with me moving around up there. The steps are not made for adult feet though as they are very uncomfortable to step up on. Its perfect for my 11 and 4 year olds.
My husband put it together by himself in 1.5 tops. The instructions were easy to follow and came with all tools plus extra parts to keep as spares. Great find!!
Great bed
The bed was easy to assemble, it took about an hour for my husband and myself to put them together. Once together they are sturdy and well made. It comes with an Allen wrench, but we used a hex head screwdriver. They went together quicker and it was much easier to get the screws nice and tight. ALL GOOD!
No issues whatsoever! Great bunk bed for me and my son So far meets my expectations
Better than I expected. The color is beautiful. The safety is perfect for the three yr old who sleeps there. I must admit I was having some reservations when the two yr old climbed to the top bunk. All I could vision is the child falling through the rings breaking her neck. The three yr old sleeps on the top bunk no problems and the two yr old also had had no problems navigating the ladder or sleeping. Lovely for the price
Love this bunk bed. Was very easy to put together, instructions very clear and helpful. Definitely worth price Its a fantastic price.
Good for the money
Really good quality bought 2 for my boys I slept on it one night im not a small person either very comfortable with the mattress we have This product was exactly what I was hoping for
Worth every penny
Me and my 8 year son put together and had no problems Absolutely awesome product!!
read the instructions carefully !!!! take ur time make sure all the parts are there
Looked exactly like the picture, color is pretty, my kids love it easy to assemble. small amount of paint was chipped off. may be returning
Worth the buy
Did my research before buying. This seemed to be the sturdier bunk bed buy. Husband had a friend help took a few hrs. But its really nice and holding up wells so far Really Happy!!
All around good buy!
Im 165lbs and get on the top to make it. It feels sturdy with me moving around up there. The steps are not made for adult feet though as they are very uncomfortable to step up on. Its perfect for my 11 and 4 year olds. My husband put it together by himself in 1.5 tops. The instructions were easy to follow and came with all tools plus extra parts to keep as spares. Great find!!
More than enough parts. Easy to assemble. Little shaky up top but very sturdy This was definitely a good choice.
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