Its not real wood but still sturdy. None of the pieces come labeled like on the directions but as long as you pay attention its easy enough to figure out as there arent that many pieces.
Comes in two very heavy boxes but did arrive early. Easy enough to figure out if you pay attention but none of the pieces are labeled like they are on the directions so you have to pay close attention to what youre doing to get it figured out. Its not real wood but as long as youre not doing anything cry it should last you a while. Matches the headboard I bought and the rest of the set that I bought as well. Overall very happy with how it looks and how it has matching pieces.
All the storage I need. Sooooo sturdy! Assembly was easy. One drawer front got damaged during assembly but it was my own fault. But still, company sent replacement part in a week. 100 satisfied!
Good for price
Its not real wood but still sturdy. None of the pieces come labeled like on the directions but as long as you pay attention its easy enough to figure out as there arent that many pieces.
Chocolate color
I love the chocolate color!! My husband put it together without too much trouble. Now a looking for a bookcase to match!
Expectations were met
Comes in two very heavy boxes but did arrive early. Easy enough to figure out if you pay attention but none of the pieces are labeled like they are on the directions so you have to pay close attention to what youre doing to get it figured out. Its not real wood but as long as youre not doing anything cry it should last you a while. Matches the headboard I bought and the rest of the set that I bought as well. Overall very happy with how it looks and how it has matching pieces.
Have to assemble
Missing one screw but easy to put together
How great it looks against my grey walks
Definitely worth the money. Easy to assemble and looks great
Top Quality Product
Really nice, easy to assemble
This headboard was an excellent purchase. Affordable king headboard, looks good in our bedroom and I was able to put it together easily. It is heavy.
Head board
This is beautiful!
This headboard was easy to assemble and looks great! We get so many compliments on it!
Best use of my money and storage space!
All the storage I need. Sooooo sturdy! Assembly was easy. One drawer front got damaged during assembly but it was my own fault. But still, company sent replacement part in a week. 100 satisfied!
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