Looks great and was easy to assemble. Once assembled it is really flimsy. I just dont feel like taking it apart and returning it, so Ill keep it. Super small!
Good. My husband assembled this in about 2 hours, he did glue a few spots to make it more sturdy but overall it was easy to assemble and is pretty sturdy. I do recommend it.
Side panel broken in shipment. Instructions somewhat cryptic. So many pieces and so much going into cheap particle board. Drove dowel through in one spot. Might hold up for a while. Overpriced.
Kids love it easy to put together. I have set my printer and laptop on top. It would be helpful if back bottom had a cutout too accommodate power strip. This would allow cabinet to sit more flush to wall. Drawers could slide more smoothly. Otherwise its worth the money
each place that was to be a hole was not, no pilot hole nothing just a slight indentation, a screw driver and hammer are the tools needed, no not at all, i had to use an electric screw gun and soft mallet and pilot drill, partly bent guides for each side of smaller drawers, i had to hammer them inward so they could align with the connecting guides, at the very end of this i have a working fully functional cabinet. Its ok but smaller than expected.
Love it! Very happy with my purchase. Had a concern with a part. Customer service department responded quickly and was very helpful. I was reimbursed immediately for the part.
Looks great, but super Flimsy.
Looks great and was easy to assemble. Once assembled it is really flimsy. I just dont feel like taking it apart and returning it, so Ill keep it. Super small!
What I needed
Good quality. Perfect size for a cramped desktop.
Pretty decent
Good. My husband assembled this in about 2 hours, he did glue a few spots to make it more sturdy but overall it was easy to assemble and is pretty sturdy. I do recommend it.
Takes really long time to assemble
Missing metal rods for a filing drawer. Not super sturdy.
You get the particle board you pay for.
Side panel broken in shipment. Instructions somewhat cryptic. So many pieces and so much going into cheap particle board. Drove dowel through in one spot. Might hold up for a while. Overpriced.
Good supplemental piece for office
Kids love it easy to put together. I have set my printer and laptop on top. It would be helpful if back bottom had a cutout too accommodate power strip. This would allow cabinet to sit more flush to wall. Drawers could slide more smoothly. Otherwise its worth the money
only if i knew beforehand
each place that was to be a hole was not, no pilot hole nothing just a slight indentation, a screw driver and hammer are the tools needed, no not at all, i had to use an electric screw gun and soft mallet and pilot drill, partly bent guides for each side of smaller drawers, i had to hammer them inward so they could align with the connecting guides, at the very end of this i have a working fully functional cabinet. Its ok but smaller than expected.
Value for money. I may buy one more soon for my living room too
Perfect. Value for money
Fits my corner perfectly
Easy assembly. Great for coffee spot and office stuff, multi/ functional. Sliders for filing cabinet part was a little tricky to assemble, but doable.
Great customer service
Love it! Very happy with my purchase. Had a concern with a part. Customer service department responded quickly and was very helpful. I was reimbursed immediately for the part.
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