Very sturdy, well built, and easy to assemble.
Each legs in the middle had different lengths and bit short, so I had to adjust it with felt pads.
Its great product for the price though!
Easy to assemble, feels sturdy. Did not use the tape on the slats since we have a thin box spring and have no issues with the mattress moving around. Love the height of the bed, will be very easy to clean under.
I never write a review but I was so pleased after assembling the product, I thought leaving one would be the only right move. The product is great. The assembling process was a pleasure and everything seems to be put together quite thoughtfully. The color of the wood matches my room pretty well too. Would recommend.
So glad I read the reviews first! This was the easiest bed frame I have ever put together. Everything was nicely labeled, including the parts to assembled. The pre-drilled holes all lined up just right. Very sturdy and look forward to actually keeping it long term. Saw another person post that they added a head board to it and that looked great. This was a purchase for my short term rental but will keep it for longer. Good value!
Love it
Very sturdy and pretty color! We went with the espresso. Very easy to put together! We love it.
great bed frame
Its exactly as described. It went together easy as can be and is rock steady.
Happy customer
This arrived quickly, well packaged and was simple to assemble. It looks great, as promised and is a perfect addition to my daughters bedroom.
Good Product
Good part:- Product, comparing to other products in this price range additional box is not required, sturdiness Decent part:- Price Bad part:- height
Very Sturdy
Very sturdy, well built, and easy to assemble. Each legs in the middle had different lengths and bit short, so I had to adjust it with felt pads. Its great product for the price though!
Great value
Easy to assemble, feels sturdy. Did not use the tape on the slats since we have a thin box spring and have no issues with the mattress moving around. Love the height of the bed, will be very easy to clean under.
Great product
I never write a review but I was so pleased after assembling the product, I thought leaving one would be the only right move. The product is great. The assembling process was a pleasure and everything seems to be put together quite thoughtfully. The color of the wood matches my room pretty well too. Would recommend.
Great quality!!
Awesome quality very sturdy and pretty itcame on time highly reccomend!!!!!
Best furniture purchase
So glad I read the reviews first! This was the easiest bed frame I have ever put together. Everything was nicely labeled, including the parts to assembled. The pre-drilled holes all lined up just right. Very sturdy and look forward to actually keeping it long term. Saw another person post that they added a head board to it and that looked great. This was a purchase for my short term rental but will keep it for longer. Good value!
bed good
lots of compliments on my bed frame from my housemates! goes perfect with an full mattress
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