This is such a cute sturdy bed! My daughter loves it and she looks so cute curled up in her own big girl bed. She has been sleeping through the night since getting this.
Unnecessarily complicated to assemble and quite cheap feeling/looking once set up. I wouldnt buy it again. I would spend 20/50 more for better quality, but, you get what you pay for. That said, it is a good fit for the crib mattress I had and we are going to keep it rather than disassemble and attempt to return it. Not at all user friendly.
This took me a decent amount of time to put together; however Ive never put together a toddler bed before, so I have no reference. Its pretty cute and definitely gets the job done for the price. My 21 month old doesnt fall out of it and can get in and out easily.
This is the second time I bought this bed. The first time, the box came looking like it had been opened and re/closed. I realized after taking all of the pieces out that the headboard was cracked. I returned it hoping for an exchange but my order had been canceled instead. This time the box came in perfect condition with all of the pieces intact. It took about 20 min. to put together with no difficulty.
Im giving this 4 stars only because I ordered the espresso finish but ended up with cherry finish, i was kinda bummed because i wanted the rest of his furniture in his room to match, but didnt want to go through the hassle of returning it. On the positive note my 14 month old son absolutely loves his bed, he can climb in and out of itits not very high off the ground. I would definitely recommend this bed!
Five Stars
Its good.
Five Stars
An adorable bed perfect for a transition from crib to bed.
Perfect for Toddler
This is such a cute sturdy bed! My daughter loves it and she looks so cute curled up in her own big girl bed. She has been sleeping through the night since getting this.
Four Stars
Had to do some drilling but other wise pretty easy to put together.
Five Stars
Great buy and it looks great with the other furniture.
Cheap but functional
Unnecessarily complicated to assemble and quite cheap feeling/looking once set up. I wouldnt buy it again. I would spend 20/50 more for better quality, but, you get what you pay for. That said, it is a good fit for the crib mattress I had and we are going to keep it rather than disassemble and attempt to return it. Not at all user friendly.
Five Stars
Good. My daughter loves it.
This took me a decent amount of time to put together; however Ive never put together a toddler bed before, so I have no reference. Its pretty cute and definitely gets the job done for the price. My 21 month old doesnt fall out of it and can get in and out easily.
Great toddler bed
This is the second time I bought this bed. The first time, the box came looking like it had been opened and re/closed. I realized after taking all of the pieces out that the headboard was cracked. I returned it hoping for an exchange but my order had been canceled instead. This time the box came in perfect condition with all of the pieces intact. It took about 20 min. to put together with no difficulty.
4 stars
Im giving this 4 stars only because I ordered the espresso finish but ended up with cherry finish, i was kinda bummed because i wanted the rest of his furniture in his room to match, but didnt want to go through the hassle of returning it. On the positive note my 14 month old son absolutely loves his bed, he can climb in and out of itits not very high off the ground. I would definitely recommend this bed!
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