Lower than I expected, but very sturdy. Took me about an hour and a half to put together, but very simple instructions. Doesnt shake or move at all. Highly recommend.
bought this for my almost 3 year old. it is a bit taller then i expected. no box spring, but the slats are high in the frame so mattress sits higher then most platform beds. she puts her foot on the side rail and hops right in so its ok. but I think it looks great, dad put it together by himself in a little over an hour. so over all, i think its great, and great price!
This arrived yesterday, and I spent the better part of two hours putting it together.
I bought it because it fit into my price range($200 at the time of purchase with shipping) not expecting much, but its actually quite sturdy, everything felt weighty and solid. All the tools required were in the box, and I was able to complete the build solo without the assistance of anyone else.
The legs seem weird, After you screw them on via a nut and bolt which you need to hold in place, they sort of dangle and freely spin before you put the bed back down. I was concerned that the wooden slats would be too flimsy but they seem perfectly fine, and not permanently attached which should make for an easy disassemble.
The headboard and sides/front are not heavily padded, They are more of a textured pattern lineny feel, which is perfectly fine, and should make for excellent support while reading in bed.
Overall quite happy so far.
but very sturdy. Took me about an hour and a half ...
Lower than I expected, but very sturdy. Took me about an hour and a half to put together, but very simple instructions. Doesnt shake or move at all. Highly recommend.
Very pleased!
Aming deal for the price! I love the look of the bed and so far it seems very durable!
but I think it looks great, dad put it together by himself in a ...
bought this for my almost 3 year old. it is a bit taller then i expected. no box spring, but the slats are high in the frame so mattress sits higher then most platform beds. she puts her foot on the side rail and hops right in so its ok. but I think it looks great, dad put it together by himself in a little over an hour. so over all, i think its great, and great price!
Good Value
Great price for quality. Love the look of these! Took a little while to set up but its definitely worth it.
Solid low cost bedframe/headboard.
This arrived yesterday, and I spent the better part of two hours putting it together. I bought it because it fit into my price range($200 at the time of purchase with shipping) not expecting much, but its actually quite sturdy, everything felt weighty and solid. All the tools required were in the box, and I was able to complete the build solo without the assistance of anyone else. The legs seem weird, After you screw them on via a nut and bolt which you need to hold in place, they sort of dangle and freely spin before you put the bed back down. I was concerned that the wooden slats would be too flimsy but they seem perfectly fine, and not permanently attached which should make for an easy disassemble. The headboard and sides/front are not heavily padded, They are more of a textured pattern lineny feel, which is perfectly fine, and should make for excellent support while reading in bed. Overall quite happy so far.
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