These are sturdy and fit into our trampoline with ease. My kids wee glad to be able to use their trampoline safely again. This item is good! Satisfied.
My daughter decided that it would be a good idea to walk around the outside of the net. She slipped and decided to grab the pole to keep her from falling. She bent the OEM pole and it would not stay straight anymore. This replacement was easy to install and not too hard on the wallet. Well made and packaged.
A great replacement. The company did great by me. I ordered a 2 pack and only received 1, I called up and they had me another bar out in a couple days. Thank you!
Just wish I had tied down the trampoline better. 2 days after I repaired it, a wind storm blew through and took my trampoline with it. oops Great price and somewhat durable.
Bought these for a 10 round trampoline . These are not listed as being compatible but buying the correct part from the manufacturer was going to be 25 a pole and take several weeks to come from China. I decided to give these a shot and figured I could always put screws in if the fit wasnt perfect but they ended up being the exact same size as the original! So I saved 20, got an extra pole, free shipping, and they arrived in just a couple days! Definitely a win! thanks great product.
Our trampoline blew into our woods during a storm and two of the poles were bent. It was time for a new spring pad, and some of the pole caps were broken, so we did an overhaul and replaced all the parts that were broken or worn out. It looks like a brand new trampoline for much less money, and no sore hands from pulling springs. easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver.
Works as advertised.
Perfect replacement. Really Worth it
Great price and perfect fit.
These are exact replacements for the lower half uprights. Great price for the quality. Not so bad.
Perfect replacement Overall good.
Very easy to bend especially if theyre the two posted at entry.
These are a perfect fit to our trampoline. They are sturdy and work well.
These are sturdy and fit into our trampoline with ease. My kids wee glad to be able to use their trampoline safely again. This item is good! Satisfied.
Great replacement
My daughter decided that it would be a good idea to walk around the outside of the net. She slipped and decided to grab the pole to keep her from falling. She bent the OEM pole and it would not stay straight anymore. This replacement was easy to install and not too hard on the wallet. Well made and packaged.
15 foot trampoline
A great replacement. The company did great by me. I ordered a 2 pack and only received 1, I called up and they had me another bar out in a couple days. Thank you! Just wish I had tied down the trampoline better. 2 days after I repaired it, a wind storm blew through and took my trampoline with it. oops Great price and somewhat durable.
perfect match works like a charm
well made Looks nice and sturdy.
Fits 10 round trampoline
Bought these for a 10 round trampoline . These are not listed as being compatible but buying the correct part from the manufacturer was going to be 25 a pole and take several weeks to come from China. I decided to give these a shot and figured I could always put screws in if the fit wasnt perfect but they ended up being the exact same size as the original! So I saved 20, got an extra pole, free shipping, and they arrived in just a couple days! Definitely a win! thanks great product.
Perfect fit
Our trampoline blew into our woods during a storm and two of the poles were bent. It was time for a new spring pad, and some of the pole caps were broken, so we did an overhaul and replaced all the parts that were broken or worn out. It looks like a brand new trampoline for much less money, and no sore hands from pulling springs. easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver.
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