Easy to follow instructions for assembly and use. Handle is sturdy and provides support while jumping. Trampoline is harder on my knees than I expected, so take it slow and easy if you are a beginner. Does not fold for storage so you will need to remove the handle to store under a bed.
I really liked the trampoline. Very easy to assemble and fun to jump but what I liked the most is the customer service, the first one I bought fell apart a little and I spoke to customer service and they solved it very quickly they sent me a new one in 3 days
Living in an apartment elderly complaining neighbor below two young children home schooling worst parents nightmare
This will solve your problem. (Mostly)
Make sure all spring fabric holds the trangular base before unfolding.
Slightly loose after a day of jumping, just tightening all legs will help.
There is a left or right (though not indicated) leg for the adjustable handlebar holes to align.
This is a great trampoline. Some require complex and difficult assembly / this one you just unfold from the box and screw on the legs and you can jump in 2 minutes! It folds very nicely, it fits in 1/2 of a large suitcase, I was able to take it on a few long trips to continue my workouts. Further, the seller provides great service.
Easy to assemble
Easy to follow instructions for assembly and use. Handle is sturdy and provides support while jumping. Trampoline is harder on my knees than I expected, so take it slow and easy if you are a beginner. Does not fold for storage so you will need to remove the handle to store under a bed.
Heavy and not really very portable, but a good little exercise trampoline!
See above. Jumping up and down!
Very good customer service and I loved jumping on the Trampoline.
I really liked the trampoline. Very easy to assemble and fun to jump but what I liked the most is the customer service, the first one I bought fell apart a little and I spoke to customer service and they solved it very quickly they sent me a new one in 3 days
Pandemic Parents Approved
Living in an apartment elderly complaining neighbor below two young children home schooling worst parents nightmare This will solve your problem. (Mostly) Make sure all spring fabric holds the trangular base before unfolding. Slightly loose after a day of jumping, just tightening all legs will help. There is a left or right (though not indicated) leg for the adjustable handlebar holes to align.
Great product and service
This is a great trampoline. Some require complex and difficult assembly / this one you just unfold from the box and screw on the legs and you can jump in 2 minutes! It folds very nicely, it fits in 1/2 of a large suitcase, I was able to take it on a few long trips to continue my workouts. Further, the seller provides great service.
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