We made a few changes to this item,overall it is good Excellent! Sturdy and solid, not too difficult to put together but definitely requires two people. Is the perfect height for my five-year-old and she loves it. Not too high, perfect play area underneath. I even feel like an adult could sleep on the bed comfortably, I get up there read with her and it doesnt even creak.
Easy to assemble. I did it myself The bed was pretty easy to put together but the packaging was it REALLY bad shape. When I saw the box, I thought the worse. Although the pieces where all over the place, everything was in good shape.
Does take some time to put together, but great product This bed is everything for your toddlers room!! Its the perfect height for toddlers they can still act crazy but not fall and really hurt themselves lol. I was able to put a small clubhouse underneath it. Does not take up to much room. My 4 year old loves it!!
Easy to put together, comfy and just as easy to disassemble when moving Definitely need at least 2 people to assemble, but otherwise sturdy and perfect height for my 7 year old.
Also predrilled hole were either off or nonexistent
This is a very nice, easy to put together sectional for a small space Ive put together a lot of furniture and this loft has the best instructions and labeling then any of the others Ive purchased.
Took me 3-4 hours to put the full size loft bed together alone 6 months pregnant.
Turned out great for my 16 month old, I put a mattress under it for now as she isnt big enough or old enough to climb the ladder and sleep on the top. My 7 yr old and 5.5 yr old have had a slumber party on the top bed with no issues.
Solid wood, very happy
We made a few changes to this item,overall it is good Excellent! Sturdy and solid, not too difficult to put together but definitely requires two people. Is the perfect height for my five-year-old and she loves it. Not too high, perfect play area underneath. I even feel like an adult could sleep on the bed comfortably, I get up there read with her and it doesnt even creak.
Looks nice and its pretty sturdy
Easy to assemble. I did it myself The bed was pretty easy to put together but the packaging was it REALLY bad shape. When I saw the box, I thought the worse. Although the pieces where all over the place, everything was in good shape.
Perfect for your crazy toddler!
Does take some time to put together, but great product This bed is everything for your toddlers room!! Its the perfect height for toddlers they can still act crazy but not fall and really hurt themselves lol. I was able to put a small clubhouse underneath it. Does not take up to much room. My 4 year old loves it!!
Five Stars
Meets my needs. Love this bed! I purchased 2 of them.
Good quality
received with good condition... thanks seller... good job Like the size its perfect for what we wanted. Seems well made so far after 1 month
Perfect size and sturdy
Quality product delivered with fast delivery. Recommended seller. Keep up the good work. Easy to assemble. Sturdy. Great value for the money.
Good quality easy to assemble
This is a great piece. Bought it for the basement family room and it fits perfectly down there. Very happy with purchase.
Cute and sturdy but difficult to assemble
Easy to put together, comfy and just as easy to disassemble when moving Definitely need at least 2 people to assemble, but otherwise sturdy and perfect height for my 7 year old. Also predrilled hole were either off or nonexistent
Great beds!
Very easy to assemble, my son and I love it! Fits perfect in our little room! Love these beds!
Great full size loft bed for the price
This is a very nice, easy to put together sectional for a small space Ive put together a lot of furniture and this loft has the best instructions and labeling then any of the others Ive purchased. Took me 3-4 hours to put the full size loft bed together alone 6 months pregnant. Turned out great for my 16 month old, I put a mattress under it for now as she isnt big enough or old enough to climb the ladder and sleep on the top. My 7 yr old and 5.5 yr old have had a slumber party on the top bed with no issues.
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