Bought this few months ago. it was a bit challenging to assemble because of the tiny nails and screws. it was a bit confusing. but just strictly follow included directions. it took 2 adults for 2 hours to assemble. it is sturdy. but squeaks a little now since our little one jumps on it.
I put this together in about 35 mins by myself with a cordless screwdriver and Allen bit. If there is one thing they could improve on is the hardware. The hex head bolts are soft metal and will strip easily. Once it was together I could tell it was very sturdy. No noises and it doesnt move.
I bought this bed thinking it would be an average bed, but this is not the case. This bed is incredible, strong and well made. I do not have any complains. Looks good and easy to assemble. I would recommend this piece to anyone i know.
This bed came damaged out of the box. Would have reported it sooner but had it shipped to my niece who is in college and didnt see the bed until I visited for Thanksgiving. Im very disappointed because I would have returned this product.
This is my second time purchasing this exact bed frame. I dont know what the difference is, but this second one is far more creaky/squeaky than the first one I owned. Exact same mattress too. Other than that, its easy to assemble, the color is accurate, and definitely worth the money you pay for it. Just wish it was quieter.
Was skeptical, but incredibly impressed with the quality. Especially given how reasonable the price. Ordered another for the guest room in a different size and color. Very pleased.
Just buy it this bed!
Bought this few months ago. it was a bit challenging to assemble because of the tiny nails and screws. it was a bit confusing. but just strictly follow included directions. it took 2 adults for 2 hours to assemble. it is sturdy. but squeaks a little now since our little one jumps on it.
value for the money
Its a beautiful bed and ease to assembling.
Good price!
I put this together in about 35 mins by myself with a cordless screwdriver and Allen bit. If there is one thing they could improve on is the hardware. The hex head bolts are soft metal and will strip easily. Once it was together I could tell it was very sturdy. No noises and it doesnt move.
Well made. Diamond in the rough
I love this bed so much. Its elegant and beautiful
I bought this bed thinking it would be an average bed, but this is not the case. This bed is incredible, strong and well made. I do not have any complains. Looks good and easy to assemble. I would recommend this piece to anyone i know.
Strong bed
Great buy! Looks as in pic
Poor quality
This bed came damaged out of the box. Would have reported it sooner but had it shipped to my niece who is in college and didnt see the bed until I visited for Thanksgiving. Im very disappointed because I would have returned this product.
Go ahead! You wont regret
Bought this 2 years ago still going strong
This is my second time purchasing this exact bed frame. I dont know what the difference is, but this second one is far more creaky/squeaky than the first one I owned. Exact same mattress too. Other than that, its easy to assemble, the color is accurate, and definitely worth the money you pay for it. Just wish it was quieter.
Squeakier than the first, but still worth the price
Was skeptical, but incredibly impressed with the quality. Especially given how reasonable the price. Ordered another for the guest room in a different size and color. Very pleased.
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