It was simple to put together. I feel like the stool is sturdy for its size. I bought this for my 13 yr old daughter and she loves it. It came with an extra light but it was missing a washer for one of the legs and so I used the one that was for the screw into the wall to hold it from tipping. I didnt used that.
Soo cute. Its not too big but not too small. Perfect size for a woman that likes to do makeup. I had to add some extra storage drawers next to it for all my hair and makeup products but Im fine with that. The lights are also bright and look great. Love this.
Its small, but holds all my stuff. It was really easy to put together, easy to wire, and compact enough to not take up too much space. The bulbs are a lot brighter than I had anticipated. Would buy again!
I bought this as an anniversary for my wife. She needed one bad, never mentioned getting one so I said why not! I would say its easy to assemble but the instructions left me stuck a few times. Just pictures, not a lot of words. After looking at the instructions and the actual product you can kind of figure out how its supposed to go. Other than that, she loves it. And of course she does because she didnt have to put it together.
this was easy to assemble. super cute, the lights are very bright, easy to do make up with, but it is very small which it perfect for me since i had a small empty spot in my room but if youre looking for something bigger i wouldnt recommend but 5/5 tars i love this vanity!
Needed a small vanity to put makeup on. This is perfect! Removed one star because the stool was received moldy. Probably from sitting in a container for awhile. Reached out to the company and never heard back. Cleaned it up but would have liked it to be replaced. The vanity itself was packaged well and nothing wrong it.
I purchased this item knowing it was Used Like New in original packaging! It said nothing about being damaged! Fortunately, I was able to fix it with 2 larger .25 cent washers! If something is damaged not just used, it should really state that in the description! With that said, it really is a great little vanity for my 8 yr old daughter! She loves it!
Ive only had it a couple weeks
It was simple to put together. I feel like the stool is sturdy for its size. I bought this for my 13 yr old daughter and she loves it. It came with an extra light but it was missing a washer for one of the legs and so I used the one that was for the screw into the wall to hold it from tipping. I didnt used that.
Soo cute. Its not too big but not too small. Perfect size for a woman that likes to do makeup. I had to add some extra storage drawers next to it for all my hair and makeup products but Im fine with that. The lights are also bright and look great. Love this.
So happy!
Its small, but holds all my stuff. It was really easy to put together, easy to wire, and compact enough to not take up too much space. The bulbs are a lot brighter than I had anticipated. Would buy again!
Excellent quality
This vanity is beautiful my granddaughter absolutely loves it.
Anniversary gift for the wife
I bought this as an anniversary for my wife. She needed one bad, never mentioned getting one so I said why not! I would say its easy to assemble but the instructions left me stuck a few times. Just pictures, not a lot of words. After looking at the instructions and the actual product you can kind of figure out how its supposed to go. Other than that, she loves it. And of course she does because she didnt have to put it together.
On the smaller side, but it is perfect. Easy to assemble.
cute but small
this was easy to assemble. super cute, the lights are very bright, easy to do make up with, but it is very small which it perfect for me since i had a small empty spot in my room but if youre looking for something bigger i wouldnt recommend but 5/5 tars i love this vanity!
happy with my purchase!
My 12 year old daughter. Small room so perfect Fit. Easy to assemble. Over great product so happy with my Purchase.
Nice Dressing Table
Needed a small vanity to put makeup on. This is perfect! Removed one star because the stool was received moldy. Probably from sitting in a container for awhile. Reached out to the company and never heard back. Cleaned it up but would have liked it to be replaced. The vanity itself was packaged well and nothing wrong it.
Used Like New in original packaging does not mean damaged to me!
I purchased this item knowing it was Used Like New in original packaging! It said nothing about being damaged! Fortunately, I was able to fix it with 2 larger .25 cent washers! If something is damaged not just used, it should really state that in the description! With that said, it really is a great little vanity for my 8 yr old daughter! She loves it!
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