This is a great option to add a little space to a small bedroom. Very well made, all parts are sturdy and very solid. Directions were a breeze with labeled parts. Worth the money! Effective.
Excellent value and my tween loves it. Gives her some cool height and she made a little lounging area underneath. She loves it.
Very sturdy. I was surprised based on experience with other similar products.
And I can honestly say the directions were the best of anything Ive ever had to assemble. I am a 49 yr old woman and I did most of it myself with my son holding this or that for me while I screwed in parts. Everything was labeled and wrapped separately. Follow the directions and you are all set. Highly recommend Easy as it says.
The first one arrived and the package was torn up and as we expected a part of the bed frame was split in half. Called and new one sent immediately. Bought this for my ten year old daughter. Yes the wood is cheap, it will dent easily, but the entire bed frame is actually sturdy and looks so cute in her room. She loves the bed and I actually really like it too. Her brother who is 8 now wants one. i would buy this again, well I did buy another for my son. Its on its way.
Update: We bought another bed like this one. Assembly is fine, definitely need two people at least, to hold things together. Only issue we found was the screws that hold the ladder to the frame were missing, the directions didnt include this step and supply list didnt even have them listed. If this second bed had been our first we would not have realized what is missing, just that something was missing, it was some screws with sleeves. The first bed was also missing some plugs to hide holes in the wood, but that wasnt a big deal, but the screws for the ladder is an issue. did provide a discount for the item, but it was either replace the entire bed or a discount. We will try to find the replacement screws. Love this!
My daughter when bonkers for this bed. She really wanted a bunk bed but we didnt have the height. I think she loves this more and the fact that its full size makes sleepovers that much for fun! Nice fit.
My husband was able to assemble this by himself in about 3 hours. It is sturdier than I anticipated and I feel safe enough for our 2.5 year old. He can climb up and down it easily/ what I really like is that the ladder is sturdy and fairly comfortable to walk up and down. Get it!!
Good choice
It is a very nice bed. Great value.
2 people to assemble
Very happy with this product. My 6 year old son loves it. It would be good for smaller adult as well. Assemble.
Great value!
This is a great option to add a little space to a small bedroom. Very well made, all parts are sturdy and very solid. Directions were a breeze with labeled parts. Worth the money! Effective.
Excellent purchase. Very pleased.
Excellent value and my tween loves it. Gives her some cool height and she made a little lounging area underneath. She loves it. Very sturdy. I was surprised based on experience with other similar products. And I can honestly say the directions were the best of anything Ive ever had to assemble. I am a 49 yr old woman and I did most of it myself with my son holding this or that for me while I screwed in parts. Everything was labeled and wrapped separately. Follow the directions and you are all set. Highly recommend Easy as it says.
Inexpensive pretty awesome bed
The first one arrived and the package was torn up and as we expected a part of the bed frame was split in half. Called and new one sent immediately. Bought this for my ten year old daughter. Yes the wood is cheap, it will dent easily, but the entire bed frame is actually sturdy and looks so cute in her room. She loves the bed and I actually really like it too. Her brother who is 8 now wants one. i would buy this again, well I did buy another for my son. Its on its way. Update: We bought another bed like this one. Assembly is fine, definitely need two people at least, to hold things together. Only issue we found was the screws that hold the ladder to the frame were missing, the directions didnt include this step and supply list didnt even have them listed. If this second bed had been our first we would not have realized what is missing, just that something was missing, it was some screws with sleeves. The first bed was also missing some plugs to hide holes in the wood, but that wasnt a big deal, but the screws for the ladder is an issue. did provide a discount for the item, but it was either replace the entire bed or a discount. We will try to find the replacement screws. Love this!
Study design, high end look for the price
Took some time to put it together, but it is very sturdy and looks fantastic Just Buy It.
Aming bed!!!
My daughter when bonkers for this bed. She really wanted a bunk bed but we didnt have the height. I think she loves this more and the fact that its full size makes sleepovers that much for fun! Nice fit.
My husband was able to assemble this by himself in about 3 hours. It is sturdier than I anticipated and I feel safe enough for our 2.5 year old. He can climb up and down it easily/ what I really like is that the ladder is sturdy and fairly comfortable to walk up and down. Get it!!
Our son loves it and its very sturdy and nice! Very sturdy.
Its alright.
Took a while to put together, definitely need 2 people. So what study, would not use as an adult. Cool!!
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