bought this frame to use with a king sized sleep number bed. used the shorter legs for set up. it does take a bit to fully assemble, but once set up the frame is totally secure. been using it for well over a month and it is very sturdy and good value for the money.
Very pretty bed that seems durable so far (for a slender teen) and was pretty easy to put together for two people. The price was great and my daughter loves it.
I loooved how easy it was to assemble because the bed had good construction. I literally swirled the hex wrench to tighten each screw in comparison to my childrens beds. The slats took a little more time
Gorgeous and very sturdy. Saves a ton of room in a small bedroom but still offers as much sleeping room as a king size bed when you consider both twin mattresses dimensions. Looks pretty too. Highly recommend.
/Everything was organized for assembly. All large parts are labeled with letters. Extra parts packet is included and labeled.
/Recommend for 2 people assembly but my adult son put it together by himself within one hour.
/Love the gunmetal color, it goes with my rustic industrial style.
/Comes with all the tools needed.
/Daybed weight limit is 400 lbs. and the trundle is 250 lbs.
/Two of the four trundle castors lock.
/The plastic pieces that secure the rods do not seem durable.
/Some small parts need to be placed in a certain way which is not discussed in the instructions.
/Two Hardware packs are included, Turn buckle packet and Daybed packet. If not careful, packets could get mixed up.
With the holidays approaching, I wanted to add some extra sleeping areas. I like this daybed because it checks all my boxes. The weight limit is generous. It looks good. It comes with a trundle. It was easy for my son to put together. It is a versatile piece of furniture.
good value for money
bought this frame to use with a king sized sleep number bed. used the shorter legs for set up. it does take a bit to fully assemble, but once set up the frame is totally secure. been using it for well over a month and it is very sturdy and good value for the money.
Pretty bed, reasonable price.
Very pretty bed that seems durable so far (for a slender teen) and was pretty easy to put together for two people. The price was great and my daughter loves it.
Well built bed
I loooved how easy it was to assemble because the bed had good construction. I literally swirled the hex wrench to tighten each screw in comparison to my childrens beds. The slats took a little more time
Really cute!
We love our bed frame! Its adorable! It can be kind of squeaky but I dont know if thats just because the screws need to be tightened or not?
You wont be disappointed.
This bed frame is absolutely aming. Easy to assemble, doesnt squeak or creak, looks fantastic. Worth every penny.
Easy to put together.
Love this bed frame.
Pretty and space saver
Gorgeous and very sturdy. Saves a ton of room in a small bedroom but still offers as much sleeping room as a king size bed when you consider both twin mattresses dimensions. Looks pretty too. Highly recommend.
Very sturdy and stylish
Very stylish, minimalist, and sturdy!
Versatile piece of furniture
Good: /Everything was organized for assembly. All large parts are labeled with letters. Extra parts packet is included and labeled. /Recommend for 2 people assembly but my adult son put it together by himself within one hour. /Love the gunmetal color, it goes with my rustic industrial style. /Comes with all the tools needed. /Daybed weight limit is 400 lbs. and the trundle is 250 lbs. /Two of the four trundle castors lock. Bad: /The plastic pieces that secure the rods do not seem durable. /Some small parts need to be placed in a certain way which is not discussed in the instructions. /Two Hardware packs are included, Turn buckle packet and Daybed packet. If not careful, packets could get mixed up. With the holidays approaching, I wanted to add some extra sleeping areas. I like this daybed because it checks all my boxes. The weight limit is generous. It looks good. It comes with a trundle. It was easy for my son to put together. It is a versatile piece of furniture.
Classic look
Good value for you buck, pretty sturdy and holds the bed up right.
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