Excellent value and my tween loves it. Gives her some cool height and she made a little lounging area underneath. She loves it.
Very sturdy. I was surprised based on experience with other similar products.
And I can honestly say the directions were the best of anything Ive ever had to assemble. I am a 49 yr old woman and I did most of it myself with my son holding this or that for me while I screwed in parts. Everything was labeled and wrapped separately. Follow the directions and you are all set. Highly recommend Just Buy It.
Read instructions closely when putting together. Some pieces look the same but are side specific. Took longer than I thought it would to assemble and I do a lot of furniture assembly. Happy with the quality for a kids room. Good quality.
Rather difficult set up, and not entirely sturdy. However it does the job as I only wanted it to keep my extra mattress and give extra space in the room for another desk. Great deal for the price as well. My daughter love it!!!
Me and my wife got this and I weigh 216 and she weighs about 160 and our dog weighs 50 and it holds pretty nice. It rocks a little bit but I screwed and some holders to press it against the wall and it hasnt fallen yet so all and all good product Love it.
My daughter loves this new bunk bed. She got it for Christmas. The only bad thing I can say is get some foam for the ladder steps. They hurt your feet pretty bad. Other than that its fantastic Expected.
The instructions are not super easy to follow. You cant use a normal mattress for this one. It will be too high for the railing. Great price though Good deal and was easy to put together.
Excellent purchase. Very pleased.
Excellent value and my tween loves it. Gives her some cool height and she made a little lounging area underneath. She loves it. Very sturdy. I was surprised based on experience with other similar products. And I can honestly say the directions were the best of anything Ive ever had to assemble. I am a 49 yr old woman and I did most of it myself with my son holding this or that for me while I screwed in parts. Everything was labeled and wrapped separately. Follow the directions and you are all set. Highly recommend Just Buy It.
Very good
Took a few hours to build but directions were easy to understand. Have slept on it 3 nights now no problem. Value for money.
Nope nope, to wobbly and just plain scary. I use the top for storage. Great!
Good value for the price
Read instructions closely when putting together. Some pieces look the same but are side specific. Took longer than I thought it would to assemble and I do a lot of furniture assembly. Happy with the quality for a kids room. Good quality.
A good buy
Need a better latter system and an entry at the top of the latter to get on to the bed. works great.
Has its pros and cons.
Rather difficult set up, and not entirely sturdy. However it does the job as I only wanted it to keep my extra mattress and give extra space in the room for another desk. Great deal for the price as well. My daughter love it!!!
Its strong
Me and my wife got this and I weigh 216 and she weighs about 160 and our dog weighs 50 and it holds pretty nice. It rocks a little bit but I screwed and some holders to press it against the wall and it hasnt fallen yet so all and all good product Love it.
Nice frame
Exactly what I wanted! Love have the extra space. Save some money and buy this.
Great bed.
My daughter loves this new bunk bed. She got it for Christmas. The only bad thing I can say is get some foam for the ladder steps. They hurt your feet pretty bad. Other than that its fantastic Expected.
Wont fit an average mattress
The instructions are not super easy to follow. You cant use a normal mattress for this one. It will be too high for the railing. Great price though Good deal and was easy to put together.
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