Bought this for my 2 year old who was climbing out of his crib. I wanted a floor bed with rails that he can get in and out of easily. Couldnt find one for a good price. Purchased this and cut off the legs. Its absolutely perfect for what we need. Was easy to put together (I assembled 90% of it by myself 8 months pregnant!).
It Perfect for a small room and easy to assemble (but you might need help from other since its heavy). Sturdy for sure, can hold 2 people at the same time. Love love love
It would definitely be best to have two people to put the bed together. It is very sturdy. I had one of the two support beams break within a week of putting it together from being warped. I contacted customer service and they quickly responded, gathered the needed information by a couple of emails and quickly got the replacement part sent. They were very kind, considerate and understanding. I would definitely recommend this bed and have no hesitation contacting customer service if you have any issues.
I bought this for my 4 year old and it is perfect for him- allows for storage of toys underneath and a fort to play under. Id imagine it will still be a good bed for the next few years
Converted to a floor bed
Bought this for my 2 year old who was climbing out of his crib. I wanted a floor bed with rails that he can get in and out of easily. Couldnt find one for a good price. Purchased this and cut off the legs. Its absolutely perfect for what we need. Was easy to put together (I assembled 90% of it by myself 8 months pregnant!).
My first bunk bed
It Perfect for a small room and easy to assemble (but you might need help from other since its heavy). Sturdy for sure, can hold 2 people at the same time. Love love love
Great for the price!
Absolutely love this the price! My daughter loves it and this is how I got her to sleep in her own bed!
Hell yeah
Hell yeah worth it and my 3 year old loves her new high bed fram and still has full room use
Good but shipping box and item was defective
I like the bed, and kids loved it too. However, the shipping box and the bed frame were damaged.
My kids afraid of heights
Worried about getting him a normal sized loft bed. Hes 4 and this one was perfect. Saves floor space in his room, but its not too tall to scare him
Works great for hiding the kids toys. Great space saver
We had issues with the lat install 2 were cut to short. Easy fix, still a great deal
This is a great bed but they also have great customer service!
It would definitely be best to have two people to put the bed together. It is very sturdy. I had one of the two support beams break within a week of putting it together from being warped. I contacted customer service and they quickly responded, gathered the needed information by a couple of emails and quickly got the replacement part sent. They were very kind, considerate and understanding. I would definitely recommend this bed and have no hesitation contacting customer service if you have any issues.
My 2 year old live it, we also made the bottom section into a fort with some curtains.
Perfect size for my 4 year old
I bought this for my 4 year old and it is perfect for him- allows for storage of toys underneath and a fort to play under. Id imagine it will still be a good bed for the next few years
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