It is perfect for our son and love that it is a full size bed! Very sturdy and easy to put together. Instructions were very clear. Our son loves laying under his bed to play with his toys or read a story. We also love it because we are able to lay in bed with our son. It was a major reason why we looked at beds for a while.
Looks nice all out together. Theres giant warning labels stuck on the frame in a very visible spot that will not come off, and I really dont like that all the hardware is visible on the outside. The wood is split in a few places and cane that way... thankfully I dont feel like it actually has an impact on the structure quality. My 3 year old loves it though, and it is pretty cute all put together. I love that the white is a warm white and not a cool white.
This bed is well made and relatively easy to put together. It is an attractive color and finish. My teenage boys, who are both over 6 ft tall, fit well and comfortably on this.
Excellent! Sturdy and solid, not too difficult to put together but definitely requires two people. Is the perfect height for my five-year-old and she loves it. Not too high, perfect play area underneath. I even feel like an adult could sleep on the bed comfortably, I get up there read with her and it doesnt even creak.
The bed was pretty easy to put together but the packaging was it REALLY bad shape. When I saw the box, I thought the worse. Although the pieces where all over the place, everything was in good shape.
Really nice bed
Really sturdy bunk bed. It take some time to put together, but was easy to assemble. We couldnt be happier
Perfect Loft for our Kid!
It is perfect for our son and love that it is a full size bed! Very sturdy and easy to put together. Instructions were very clear. Our son loves laying under his bed to play with his toys or read a story. We also love it because we are able to lay in bed with our son. It was a major reason why we looked at beds for a while.
You get what you pay for... nice, but not perfect.
Looks nice all out together. Theres giant warning labels stuck on the frame in a very visible spot that will not come off, and I really dont like that all the hardware is visible on the outside. The wood is split in a few places and cane that way... thankfully I dont feel like it actually has an impact on the structure quality. My 3 year old loves it though, and it is pretty cute all put together. I love that the white is a warm white and not a cool white.
Get a crew.
You will definitely need 3 to 4 people to put the bed together properly. Im also not sure just how durable it is for weight, but well see.
Good quality and as described
Good quality and as described
Good buy-Sturdy bed
This bed is well made and relatively easy to put together. It is an attractive color and finish. My teenage boys, who are both over 6 ft tall, fit well and comfortably on this.
Solid wood, very happy
Excellent! Sturdy and solid, not too difficult to put together but definitely requires two people. Is the perfect height for my five-year-old and she loves it. Not too high, perfect play area underneath. I even feel like an adult could sleep on the bed comfortably, I get up there read with her and it doesnt even creak.
great price on time for Chrismas
Love it.
Love this! Easy to set up. Sturdy!
Looks nice and its pretty sturdy
The bed was pretty easy to put together but the packaging was it REALLY bad shape. When I saw the box, I thought the worse. Although the pieces where all over the place, everything was in good shape.
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