This cabinet is perfect in my bathroom. It looks nice, it is sturdy, and was easy to assemble. I especially like that it is not very deep, therefore does not take up too much floor space, but offers plenty of storage for toilet tissue, towels, etc.
I ordered two for my mud room and was not disappointed. They are sturdy and look great. They could be a little deeper but overall a great addition to my home. I have since ordered another one and am waiting for its arrival.
One of the pre-drilled holes was too big for the screw that was supposed to go in it, so I had to use gorilla wood glue to make sure it was secure before I could assemble it. The pictures of the wood pieces to assemble were not as clear as other instructions Ive used, so it was not easy to orient the pieces, but I figured it out and once it was assembled it looked great! I bought it for my daughters room and it looks great in her room.
I like it a lot
It is easy to assemble, the size is perfect for the space that I wanted to place it. Its pretty, good material. Comfortable.
Its great
It was really easy to build. Although there was some screw that was missing but I improved. It took me 3 and a half hour to build
Great cabinet
This fit perfect in my bathroom. Gave me the extra storage I needed. Very easy to assemble.
Nice Cabinet for my bathroom
This cabinet is perfect in my bathroom. It looks nice, it is sturdy, and was easy to assemble. I especially like that it is not very deep, therefore does not take up too much floor space, but offers plenty of storage for toilet tissue, towels, etc.
Good for extra storage
Worked as a great storage
Thank You.
Ok. Good price. Thank You.
Very solid
I ordered two for my mud room and was not disappointed. They are sturdy and look great. They could be a little deeper but overall a great addition to my home. I have since ordered another one and am waiting for its arrival.
Instructions werent very clear
One of the pre-drilled holes was too big for the screw that was supposed to go in it, so I had to use gorilla wood glue to make sure it was secure before I could assemble it. The pictures of the wood pieces to assemble were not as clear as other instructions Ive used, so it was not easy to orient the pieces, but I figured it out and once it was assembled it looked great! I bought it for my daughters room and it looks great in her room.
Good quality for the price.
Good quality
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