We got this for my toddler for his birthday and he loves it! It took a few hours to assemble but was not difficult. The customer service is also great. I would buy again from this seller in the future!Good.
Good quality, It took me about an hour to assemble it with the kids pretty straightforward very nice quality and the kids love it thats the most important part My Nephew likes it,
The steel tubes are very sturdy and strong. Four little kids and 1 adult are in jumping in the right now. The instruction book was not accurate so, I had to contact seller for the correct installation manual. Really appreciate the fast response from the seller for the correct manual. The only thing I didnt like was the step ladder. Wish there was a way to secure it better. Great. Very good. Recommended.
The is a great product that I highly recommend (we got 12 FT). The assembly was fairly easy with detailed instructions and took almost no time to set up. We made it a family team effort and enjoyed doing it. The trampoline is fun to use and as far as we can tell after a few days, safe to use. The only negative for now is the squeaking noise while jumping that I will try to address with some lubricant. Bouncing is great and the feels sturdy and safe. As the weight limit is pretty generous comparing to others Ive researched, you can have multiple people on the and get get high bounce when there are others, or not / its up to you! I highly recommend if you are looking for a trampoline. Good!!
My husband and I easily put this trampoline together in a couple of hours. I am very happy with the safety and durability. I am very pleased. I do not think it will hold the max weight of 400 pounds without stretching the springs or touching the ground. Just my opinion after seeing half that weight on it. Still very satisfied. Simple and does the job.
Assembly is pretty straight forward, instructions dont mention how to install the safety net, pretty much just slide the sleeves over the poles you attached as per the instructions. Kids love it! recommend!
Great for my toddler!
We got this for my toddler for his birthday and he loves it! It took a few hours to assemble but was not difficult. The customer service is also great. I would buy again from this seller in the future!Good.
Great trampoline
My son loves jumping on this great to burn off extra energy would recommend I loved it.
Kids love it
Good quality, It took me about an hour to assemble it with the kids pretty straightforward very nice quality and the kids love it thats the most important part My Nephew likes it,
Durable and strong steel
The steel tubes are very sturdy and strong. Four little kids and 1 adult are in jumping in the right now. The instruction book was not accurate so, I had to contact seller for the correct installation manual. Really appreciate the fast response from the seller for the correct manual. The only thing I didnt like was the step ladder. Wish there was a way to secure it better. Great. Very good. Recommended.
Great weight capacity, easy to assemble.
The is a great product that I highly recommend (we got 12 FT). The assembly was fairly easy with detailed instructions and took almost no time to set up. We made it a family team effort and enjoyed doing it. The trampoline is fun to use and as far as we can tell after a few days, safe to use. The only negative for now is the squeaking noise while jumping that I will try to address with some lubricant. Bouncing is great and the feels sturdy and safe. As the weight limit is pretty generous comparing to others Ive researched, you can have multiple people on the and get get high bounce when there are others, or not / its up to you! I highly recommend if you are looking for a trampoline. Good!!
Kids love it!
Purchased for our 11 4 year old gymnasts and they love it! Satisfied.
Well built trampoline
Assembled the trampoline in about 2hours with one other person. My granddaughter loves it! Good,
Great trampoline!
Very easy to put together! Great product for the price. It works great! Thank you!
My husband and I easily put this trampoline together in a couple of hours. I am very happy with the safety and durability. I am very pleased. I do not think it will hold the max weight of 400 pounds without stretching the springs or touching the ground. Just my opinion after seeing half that weight on it. Still very satisfied. Simple and does the job.
Kids love it!
Assembly is pretty straight forward, instructions dont mention how to install the safety net, pretty much just slide the sleeves over the poles you attached as per the instructions. Kids love it! recommend!
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